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Panthers Fan 69

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  1. Go back to Jarvis Aho Ross, Necas KK Robinson and magic will happen
  2. Guys just got home from the game. Observations. Two periods were terrible. Rod through lines at the wall and it didn’t stick. Koochie had one bad goal. Maybe.. the canes had a an epic breakdown of all breakdowns of defense on both. But koochie needs to stop at least one. Burns had his best game all year. He hit people. He played offense. He played Defense. That third was a thing of beauty. Utter domination. Maybe forced rod to play the OG lines a little. Conversations in the arena all focused around rod needing to go back to lines that worked Word is spreading Good win. Good comeback. @Anybodyhome @MillionDollarCam get yalls ass back to the forum! We need yall.
  3. I’ll say it one time and one time only. I don’t know why Rod runs these lines out on the ice. Svech with stall and Martinook make no sense and none of the lines have chemistry.
  4. Also, Vegas has this line -500. Not sure if I’ve seen a line that high
  5. Lines today Still not sure my rod won’t go back to what was working…but man that top line could be elite.
  6. XL needs to fug a machine vs riding a goddamn horse. He sucks.
  7. Sellout to stop the run. We can win this game if we hold and go on a long td drive.
  8. Eddie sucks. Time for a new kicker. Also, this team is running only. Sell out to stop it.
  9. Evero ain’t it. Dude goes prevent every end of a half or game and the team is guaranteed to get a score. I hope we move on from this clown in the off-season.
  10. I’m hoping when Nikishin comes here he takes Burns spot but I doubt Rod does it this year. Here is the thing, yes the goalie play is not up to par but it’s like the all star game where there is no defense. For the last 7-8 games, our defense has had a bunch of mistakes. That includes offensive guys making defensive mistakes. Not good. We won’t beat the sharks playing the way we are now. Let’s get those lines back to what they were to start the year, Jarvy with Aho and Necas with KK and Svech. Those lines were cooking. aslo, sorry about last night. Kiddos were away and we got into the beer a little. My bad.
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