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Devil Doc

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Everything posted by Devil Doc

  1. I agree with you on this one. My MIL watches the news constantly yelling at the TV, gets an attitude over what she sees.. I am like.. this poo is melting her brain. It is all I see on ALL news channels.. division, finger pointing, blame, chaos, panic.. rinse and repeat.
  2. Because it is not really the biggest news story, they just make it so.
  3. CNN not doing anything egregious? Have you not seen the past 2 weeks of news? All it shows is CoronaVirus... Panic.. pointing fingers, and long drawn out newscast about how Trump is bad. Is this really news? Do they need to go on and on and on about Trump and the Coronavirus? I dunno... instead of the news? Like how there was an naval ship on fire for 5 days.. hardly any coverage, How there is a link to pedophilia from famous celebrities though Epstein? Nothing. CNN hasn't covered the flooding in China/India, Brazil Coronavirus cases. These are just a few examples. CNN had an interview of Trumps niece asking questions about him. Is this really news? How is this news? Main Stream Media needs to report the news, and just the news, they do not need to have experts on the show, or interviews, or some person going on giving opinions, etc.. it becomes entertainment, not news, at that point.
  4. I never got this.. Does the Virus spread worse after 8pm?
  5. Japanese people have always worn mask, it is nothing new to them.
  6. Are these Hospital Numbers just COVID patients, or just in General. It makes a big difference.
  7. So testing for anti-bodies is probably not a good indication of Herd Immunity probability?
  8. Also, Spain had it months before us. Is there not a certain time frame that anti-bodies do not show up? Like over 6 months or something? I have read were COVID-19 Anti-bodies can disappear after 2-3 months.
  9. Exactly, those who have already had the Virus, or have the Anti-Body get to work or continue, those who have no exposure do not.
  10. I get it. I hate wearing mask. I hate wearing anything on my head or face. I seldom wear hats. I do not wear my CPAP. I do not wear my mask in my house, my car, outside, etc. I do wear them inside stores. I have occasionally not worn one in a store, depends on how many people are in it. However, I wear a mask everyday at work. I see all kinds wear a mask, or not wear a mask, or wear one incorrectly. I just get tired of the misinformation or the contradictions. If you want us to Social Distance, Wear a Mask, etc.. then why do you not open up and quit with the phases. Why were certain things open, and certain things not open? Who was making these decisions? It is not OK for a park to be open, but it is OK to have gatherings or other similar things inside? At this point either let everyone infect each other, and get the poo over with... or shut down completely. Have huge trucks wash the streets, buildings, parks, stores, etc...
  11. I never said anything about not wearing a mask.
  12. I guess. It seems to me people had a different idea of what Quarantine, Social Distancing, flatten the curve and wearing mask meant. That is the whole issue with the hysteria and fray actors and the media. Different interpretations or what Ideas mean. I said at the beginning, if we are going to shut down the country, then it needs to be strict, tight, and NOTHING open for 2 months, ( would reduce it drastically and almost eliminate it) That means strict LE enforcement, only things open would be medical, food deliveries, papers saying you have permission etc. Instead.. it was lets try this.. oh wait.. lets try this.. oh wait.. lets try this. Now.. people are freaking out over the numbers because they have been delayed or not what they expected.
  13. Preventable? You think this Virus is 100% preventable? 100 deaths is a good thing, that means the Death rate went to 1% instead of 2%. The whole point of the Curve, Social distancing, the mask.. is to slow down the deaths and slow down the patients going to hospitals. It was never meant to erase the Virus or erase the inevitable. It was just delaying the effects, or spreading them out over time.
  14. I just want people to stop treating the Virus as the "Floor is Lava". It is not immediate death to have it or be exposed. There is a very high survival rate. You do NOT automatically test positive for being around someone positive.
  15. 10,00 new cases means nothing if they are not killing anybody, or making them sick. So, you have the Virus.. Now what? if them 10,000 turn into 300 deaths.. then maybe it would be something to worry about. If the 10,000 turn into 100 Deaths.. then good things ahead.
  16. They are tracing people that is 3 degrees from COVID? That is a bit much. Just because you wee around someone that had COVID, does not automatically give it to you.
  17. To be fair, I meant to say equally correlated.
  18. If the numbers from March and April, were the same in May and June. it would be totally different on the numbers and deaths etc. The news props up New Cases, but will not tell you how many recovered. The news props up how many have died, but does not tell you the percentage, or underlying causes. The news will also not tell you how many have had the anti-body test, how many does not experience symptoms, or tells you the probability of living. It is all death, death, sickness, gloom and death.
  19. Really? I just totally just took a shot in the dark at this comment? I have been following this Virus since March. Tell me.. is Positive Cases, Testing, and deaths equally correlated? Lets say deaths are are lagging by cases.. they still do not equally correlate. The improvements in testing, healthcare, experience, medicine has drastically lowered the death rate.
  20. Yep. Deaths are going down, which shows spikes in cases does not correlate to deaths.
  21. I only care about stopping the deaths, that is the only controllable thing. It is going to spread, that is the inevitable thing. All we are doing is delaying the spread, so these "Numbers" going up, does not necessarily represent deaths.
  22. I have actually seen USPS deliver on a Sunday..
  23. This.. I agree with this.. Or mailing your ballot and then you dropping it off in a box. Voting then mailing it to place, I do not agree with. Evidence of Tampering. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2020/04/24/28_million_mail-in_ballots_went_missing_in_last_four_elections_143033.html?l&fbclid=IwAR2_8F7H6-Wmc1T9zX5YXlF2NKreNqwoz-OXK6P4XKeKS2UDbvGV2gRARns
  24. The Whole Country Voting by mail is a bad-idea. I understand there is a few circumstances that is happens. However, that is another topic.
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