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Everything posted by PandaPancake

  1. Have to admire a Bills fan with all they've been through. The real question, where did all I those Seahawks fans go?
  2. The fug? I'm going to the Bills forum where people actually live there.
  3. Wouldn't it be funny if Jerry Jones bought Man U and ran it like the Cowboys?
  4. I meant cable news panic. I was in Manhattan during the Boston bombing, no one was concerned. Subway was open to anyone scuba certified
  5. I wonder if that Canadian politeness crosses over to Buffalo? If this snowstorm hit NYC it would be panic
  6. Watching ESPN and they were talking about Denver in 1997 when players were taken to the airport by snowmobile. I hope they have utilities buried.
  7. You came in here to state that and nothing else? Did you pay your dollar?
  8. All this snow is going to fug up my plans to commit suicide when it melts at Niagara Falls. There won't be any falls left
  9. I found the name of this odd. Mainlyv because there isn't a creek nearby
  10. Ever bought a phone from a blind guy?
  11. Word of advice if you want the 6+ go to the Apple store. Easiest way to get it.
  12. I guess I live under a rock. Are you going to be ok there? Or is this something the locals call a "dusting"?
  13. When I have on all my layers to work in below zero temperatures I've been hit with a fire hose and not gotten wet inside all of that. Then it froze and the wind never got through
  14. The one that makes the hurricanes and other stuff people complain about
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