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About bigjohn

  • Birthday 05/20/1970

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  1. How many of our current defensive roster would start on a defense that's considered average? Horn. Maybe Shaq. Jackson. I'm struggling to name any other average or better players on our defense. Hard to make chicken salad sometimes...
  2. And if we don't fall short on the 4th and goal at the one in the first series, we are playing with a lead and you don't know how things turn out. Best thing we are getting out of this is I feel much better about our coaching selection, and if Morgan can continue to work on filling out this roster as he has so far.... well, the trajectory is FINALLY headed in the right direction.
  3. Not very talented but love the fight we are showing. I'm impressed with Canales and Dalton, Chuba, Diontae, Horn, Mike Jackson isn't bad....just need to fill in a few more pieces. Our guards are good too. We just need to keep building.
  4. They are dotting 56 yarders, we can't catch a football. Difference in talent is still pretty big between us and good teams.
  5. You can call PI almost any play. You can call offensive holding almost any play. Strange how we didn't get a hold call anywhere in there to kill that drive.
  6. It's so refreshing to watch an actual NFL football team again.
  7. You don't like any turnover, but this is just one of those that happens. You can live with it. Dalton could have stepped up just a smidge.
  8. I’m still a fan. The only NFL I watch is the Panther and Bengals (one of my former basketball players plays for the Bengals). I will watch the games unless the weather is good to go fishing. In the past, I’d watch no matter what. I’m not buying any gear, not even a pair of socks, until we move out of the bottom 5 most poorly run franchises in professional sports.
  9. ...and our WRs, Oline, and defense that doesn't have to play from behind ALL THE TIME.
  10. Throw into the flat like Sanders can make a move on someone to make them miss. Other teams have players that can do that, but we don't. If I'm the Chargers, I go for it on anything less than 4th and 5 the rest of the game, if the ball is anywhere past the 20.
  11. If Bryce has any chance at all to develop into even a serviceable backup for someone far into the future, he needs to sit and watch and learn and work. Frame it this way in the presser after the game. He needs to sit and watch and learn. But goodness he needs to sit.
  12. Alright...time to see our hurry up offense.
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