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Everything posted by PandaPancake

  1. You have made a very powerless enemy.
  2. Anyone have any websites they use for recipes? I'm looking for some new stuff. No poultry though. I'm allergic
  3. While I have no evidence to back up this claim I'm sure my anus doesn't look as nice. Mammatus, also known asmammatocumulus (meaning "mammary cloud" or "breast cloud"),[1][2] is ameteorological term applied to a cellular pattern of pouches hanging underneath the base of a cloud. The name mammatus is derived from the Latin mamma (meaning "udder" or "breast"). According to WMOInternational Cloud Atlas mamma is a cloud supplementary feature.[3] http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mammatus_cloud
  4. Stay classy Niners and Atlanta. They pick a worse place to fight than Jedis
  5. You don't get the picture concept do you?
  6. And open up my PMs to crank pics for days? I don't think so
  7. Size of the bat doesn't matter. It's what they do
  8. Found this thing in the road. Safety said it was still good.
  9. That second one needs a caption "You think this is a fuging game?"
  10. No longer will Olsen mock me on the sidelines with his knit hat
  11. Way ahead of you. I typed this with my nose
  12. Still locked in Jangler's basement
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