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Paa Langfart

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Posts posted by Paa Langfart

  1. On 6/11/2020 at 4:24 PM, bull123 said:

    not solely about rates, more about what powell said about the negative growth due to covid...he is not a damn doctor

    as a Trump supporter I will agree that he has made some really lousy hires...and this buffoon was the absolute worst...everything he has done has tanked the markets...every damn time

    But I bet you listen to Idiot Larry Kudlow don't you ?

  2. 2 hours ago, bull123 said:

    powell speaks...market rally tanks

    trump needs to fire this idiot and deal with the fallout

    powell is awful...got to dump his lousy a$$

    Yeah, chump needs one of his unqualified lying lacki es to take over the fed and do to it what Alex Azar did to the department of health and human services and the pandemic response team.

  3. 1 hour ago, SmokinwithWilly said:

    The problem is out here the people have been lied to about covid numbers, testing has been flat out denied, and people haven't gotten sick in the numbers we were told to expect despite it being pretty much a shoulder to shoulder convention in Walmart, home depot, lowes and grocery stores. It's basically been the flu with the destruction of small businesses in mass. People have gotten wind that politicians never waste a good crisis and they are over the bullshit with this one.

    It's just the flu folks.


    51 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    I get that your entire purpose on this board is to be a snarky ass, but go back and read what I actually wrote and try to understand it.

    Says the guy who got chased out of the tb  cause he's such an a.h.

  5. 4 hours ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    It's easy to think this when you don't understand what you're talking about so you just look at the numbers, see them going up, and ignorantly conclude that definitively means there's no season element involved.

    Numerous studies have pinpointed the mid-40s as the optimal temperature for the spread of COVID. That doesn't mean it goes away in the summer, it just spreads much less readily.

    With a novel that the population has no natural resistance to, that can still be pretty readily, but relatively speaking it's transmission abilities are greatly reduced. There's a reason why there have been lots of outbreaks associated with meat packing facilities. A place where people are working shoulder to shoulder in a refrigerated indoor environment is pretty much perfect for the spread of this virus.

    When weather warms it will magically disappear ?It's 80 degrees and sunny in Sao Paulo today and covid apparently does not give a rats.

    • Flames 1
  6. 14 hours ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Unfortunately, it is. That's why we're gonna get smacked HARD in the fall.

    Covid is seasonal in nature?  Apparently not in North Carolina.

  7. 3 hours ago, 45catfan said:

    but why did it have three waves then?

    flu is caused by a virus.  All viruses like covid are NOT flu.  Flu is seasonal in nature.   Covid is not.

  8. 6 hours ago, KSpan said:

    My wife exhibited the common symptoms of a moderately-affected person (dry cough, on/off fever and fatigue for weeks) in December and a medical professional I know who treats many soldiers from a nearby army base with lots of global travelers was seeing numerous cases fitting COVID profile back in November. There seems little doubt that this was around since at least late Fall 2019.

    Then an anti body test would confirm that these folks had it ?  I have not seen any information from any reliable sources that confirm this.  If you dont have the anti bodies you most likely didnt have covid .

  9. 59 minutes ago, Tbe said:

    a lot of people will refuse to get it. 

    Simple ways to fix that.  Either you get the vaccine or you don't work for me or anyone else that gets or got a government subsidy of some sort.

    • Poo 2
  10. this virus is much worse than it appears in the official case and death counts.  no telling how many of the people who contract it and get symptomatic will have permanent disabilities , but I have read somewhere about 20 % of hospital admissions who live will have permanent damage to one or more organs.



    Fewer than half the states are following federal recommendations to report probable coronavirus cases and deaths, marking what experts say is an unusual break with public health practices that leads to inconsistent data collection and undercounts of the disease’s impact.

    A Washington Post review found that the states not disclosing probable cases and deaths include some of the largest: California, Florida, North Carolina and New York. That is one reason government officials and public health experts say the virus’s true toll is above the U.S. tally as of Sunday of about 1.9 million coronavirus cases and 109,000 deaths — benchmarks that shape policymaking and public opinion on the pandemic.




  11. 10 minutes ago, CaliPanthers said:


    Within a week, local Montezuma County Coroner George Deavers determined Yellow had died of acute alcohol poisoning, his blood alcohol measured at .55, nearly twice the lethal limit.

    “It was almost double what the minimum lethal amount was in the state”, said Deavers, during an interview with CBS4.

    But Deavers said that before he even signed the death certificate, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment had already categorized Yellow’s death as being due to COVID-19 and it was tabulated that way on the state’s website.

    “I can see no reason for this”, said Deavers.

    Yellow’s death is the latest in Colorado raising eyebrows over the way the CDPHE is reclassifying deaths that runs contrary to what doctors and coroners initially ruled.

    Last month, a CBS4 Investigation revealed the state health department reclassified three deaths at a Centennial nursing home as COVID-19 deaths, despite the fact attending physicians ruled all three were not related to coronavirus.

      Yep. Its just a little flu folks!

  12. 8 minutes ago, Wolfcop said:

    On the flip side of that, there are a ton of asymptomatic/undiagnosed mild cases cases so the death rate might still be about the same, which is higher than the flu, but not high enough to cripple the economy for years. Those who are high risk should stay at home. Otherwise, folks have to get things going again. 

    That horse has left the barn.  The economy's is going to be crippled for years. About 40%of our population has at least one condition that puts them at high risk.  About half of them will totally change their lives until there is a vaccine or proven treatment.  Any one who thinks the economy is going back to the good old days are living in la la land.

  13. 6 hours ago, Jeremy Igo said:

    I got tested for it yesterday. Woke up with a fever. The only reason I went and got tested was that I had planned on driving and visiting my elderly parents the very same day. Now I'm isolated waiting on the results.


    Can confirm, the test really sucks. Feels like you inhaled a bunch of pool water. Has that same burn.

    Wishing you the best Jeremy


    oops just saw this



    Test was negative. High five 


  14. 6 hours ago, Tbe said:

    1. Politicians and their families and staffers

    2. Celebrities

    3. The very wealthy

    4. Hospital executives

    5. Medical personal.

    6. People with insurance

    7. everyone else

    It will be easy to get since so many people think it is too risky/used by Bill gates to implant microchips.

    First in line will be the military.

  15. 3 hours ago, Wes21 said:

    The less concrete and realistic the goals of getting back to normal, the less compliance you are going to get out of people.

    thats what happens when a shitard is elected potus and traitors run the senate.

    • Poo 1
  16. 6 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    My wife is from a small town not far from Ocean City. It's basically Myrtle Beach.

    Used to go to OC every summer as a kid up until the time I went into the navy and moved away for Good.  Good times.

  17. 3 minutes ago, stirs said:

    Since you have permanent residence in the other Corona Virus thread and it was posted there a couple hours ago, wow, what a good guess.

    Ordinarily I would ignore some pos post lole this.  But in this case I will put you on ignore.  Have fun in your mommies basement junior.

    • Poo 1
  18. 3 hours ago, Tbe said:

    Well...that’s a problem.

    The Oxford University team in charge of developing a coronavirus vaccine said a decline in the infection rate will make it increasingly difficult to prove whether it’s been successful, the Telegraph reported.

    “It’s a race against the virus disappearing, and against time,” Professor Adrian Hill, director of the university’s Jenner Institute, told the newspaper. “We said earlier in the year that there was an 80% chance of developing an effective vaccine by September. But at the moment, there’s a 50% chance that we get no result at all.”



    Maybe they ought to test it in a place like NC where the rates of infection are rising rapidly.

  19. https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/05/21/1002105/covid-bot-twitter-accounts-push-to-reopen-america/



    Kathleen M. Carley and her team at Carnegie Mellon University’s Center for Informed Democracy & Social Cybersecurity have been tracking bots and influence campaigns for a long time. Across US and foreign elections, natural disasters, and other politicized events, the level of bot involvement is normally between 10 and 20%, she says.

    But in a new study, the researchers have found that bots may account for between 45 and 60% of Twitter accounts discussing covid-19. Many of those accounts were created in February and have since been spreading and amplifying misinformation, including false medical advice, conspiracy theories about the origin of the virus, and pushes to end stay-at-home orders and reopen America.


    • Poo 1
  20. 3 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    I think I'd probably hold off on stocks. I think there will be a sucker's rally over much of the summer.

    I think the suckers have been sucked in at this point.  When the bodies start really piling up around July 4, and it becomes clear major industries can not function any more And make money it will not be pretty.

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