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Paa Langfart

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Posts posted by Paa Langfart

  1. I was genuinely wishing you good luck during the terrible weather....not making a snarky remark you brain dead fugtard.  Maybing that artic survival training you got froze and killed the last few working synapses that you had.


    Better yet....do the world a favor and go wander out into the wildnerness and die.



    On that happy note -   by the way mh - dont know why youre such a dick but you reallycan be  -  so you can put me onto your insult list if Im not already on there.


    I just saw a program on pbs a couple nights ago where they interviewed Chris McCandless s sisters and they basically said Chris ran away and died to get away from his dysfunctional crazy parents.  


    Anyone who is adventure minded and a reader and hasnt read "Into the Wild" has missed a great book.  Highly recommended IMO.  Another oldie but goody is Bugliosi's  " And the Sea will Tell ".

  2. I'm gonna go ahead and say it...

    Hardy will not play another snap in a Panthers uniform if any of the allegations are found to be true.

    Jerry Richardson will tell Dave to get rid of him. Big Cat has stayed quiet and allowed Dave and Ron to run the team without interfering, but he won't let this go. He'll make sure Hardy is cut or traded. Hell, he'd probably pay him 13.1mil and tell him to stay away for a the year if nothing else.

    If any of it is true, Hardy is gone.





    I agree 100%.  A message will be sent to the team that no matter who you are this off the field poo behavior will not be tolerated.

  3. Is that being realistic? I try putting myself in the same situation, had a few beers, girl going off on me slapping and scratching, I'd probably try to hold her from being able to hit me till she calmed down. Now if she continued to struggle, you could very easily see accidental bruises on her arms, but that would only be from trying to keep her from injuring me. 

    Sent from my iPad using CarolinaHuddle



    Youd be in jail too. 

  4. He's acting as if he is stress free in his new environment...when in fact we all know he is still anxiety ridden, with bitterness and anger masking true feelings of sadness. Be careful what you wish for, referring to the Panthers mentality of 'out with the old, in with the new'. Translation: He mad.



    Cripes I know I am too old to be up on all the latest and dont follow twitter and all the social bs but that seems more than a bit of a stretch to me.  Smitty a panther for 13 years seems to me to give him the benefit of the doubt an even if he has a opinion it is as valid or more so than any one who comments here as he shared a locker room with the guy.

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