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Paa Langfart

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Posts posted by Paa Langfart

  1. 3 hours ago, TheSpecialJuan said:

    This is a catastrophe of Biblical proportions 

      yes indeed brother .  As in the good book Exodus.  Which marks a point in Coach Reich's departure .


    2:7  Then his sister asked Pharaoh’s daughter, “Shall I go and get one of the Hebrew women to nurse the baby for you?”



    Baby in this case is of course the baby known as Bryce Young, babyish in stature, intellect, and general mood of someone who has no more clue what is going on around them than a new born babe. 

    Okay,  no more hints needed -   biblical no doubt about it friends.  You may want to pray if you don't see it.


    15:13 - In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed. In your strength you will guide them to your holy dwelling.


    Did ANY Panthers coach ever lead his team with more love,tolerance , and understanding than the Faire Lord Reich ? Was it not destiny for a superbowl ?   ........................ biblical, stunning, .................... maddening


    18:23  If you do this and God so commands, you will be able to stand the strain, and all these people will go home satisfied.”


    Obviously Captain Reich stood the strain.   ................ people went home well satisfied from the Bof Satan stadium and turned from their electronic boxes of hell well satiated with the powers of the fleshly delights, but the power of the greater evil prevailed in this case ........... the bald Satan from PA got the upper hand and hoof .........


    28:34  The gold bells and the pomegranates are to alternate around the hem of the robe.


    I think we all know how this reads and what exactly it means .  Bless you my Panthers friends one and all.



    I won't get into the flock of Jethro and all that entails ...........  my dear Panthers bros,  but let me tell you ................   we are in for some desert days ...........................................................................






  2. 44 minutes ago, Johnstonny said:

    If he doesn't get rid of Fitt firing Reich is just window dressing....how is Fitt still on board....fk! To have a chance at real change he godda go!  Fitt is to GMing like Frank is to coaching...wtf cant dipper see that!

    Wasn't Marty fired at the end of the season that Ron got the axe ?

  3. 7 minutes ago, mrcompletely11 said:

    how many underthrows did he have today, how many times did he bail from a clean pocket, how many times did he miss a wide open wr?   keep making excuses

    In all fairness beyond his gaf cool dude under fire attitude the guy might actually be David Carred at this point.  Probably just needs a pair of gloves  for the average fan to see it.

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  4. 17 minutes ago, CRA said:

    It’s still Frank’s playcall.   The playcall says to throw the screen if they show blitz. Everyone in America knew the Titans would come and blitz Young there.  If Frank didn’t think they would blitz Young heavy he should retire today.

    Frank then says if run well it’s a great play.  Then says he didn’t even have the WR that normally runs it over there lol


    I don't care enough anymore to listen to the post game bs, but if Frank said all that?  ooohhh wee mayne

  5. 31 minutes ago, pantherj said:

    "This just in, Nicole Tepper has been given permission by the league to ride on top of the shoulders of Panthers QB Bryce Young, in a effort to help direct him as to where to throw the ball."

    Nicole states, "I sort of feel like Master Blaster from that movie 'Mad Max Beyond Thunder Dome.' But this just goes to show how much my husband believes in my football knowledge. I've already got Young throwing more deep passes."

    Source - unverified twitter account.

    Master Blaster. Lmao😂😂

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  6. 1 hour ago, Mr. Scot said:

    I apologize if the argument this over your head. I can't fix that.

    More of your same old condescending know it all bs, while you flail around defending the indefensible.   No wonder you have so many detractors in here that love to troll you.

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