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Posts posted by WUnderhill

  1. 20 minutes ago, CanadianCat said:

    Well Tremble was getting George Kittle comps when came out.. 

    Im really excited to see what Sanders can do, but Im not holding my breath for a 4th round TE. 

    Tremble was a pure projection pick based on his athletic profile who did very little in college. Ja’Tavion Sanders is probably a better receiver than him right out of the gate even though Tremble has had 3 years of NFL development. Sanders had over 3x the college production of Tremble and averaged over 15ypc with zero drops this past season. I think the comparison starts and ends with them both being Panthers draft picks.

    • Pie 1
  2. Good write up. While I agree in theory that snapping the ball isn’t that hard, NFL centers need to be basically perfect at it. Even one bad snap a game is way too many. I’m worried about the consistency of them not having the reps over years and years and the muscle memory to have an identical and repeatable snap. I’m also worried about Corbetts knees.

    • Pie 2
  3. 39 minutes ago, JawnyBlaze said:

    Obviously drafts can’t be evaluated for a few years before you know what you got, but just going off what we know right now anyone hating on this draft is either ignorant or willfully miserable. The big complaints defending Bryce (a lot of it in the media, the same people shitting on our draft) were that our OL sucked and Bryce didn’t have any weapons. We heavily invested in the OL in FA, brought in a separation machine via trade, and spent this draft plugging every conceivable hole in the weapons for Bryce. I get if you wanted McConkey or someone other than XL, but we already have McConkey’s role on the team. We didn’t have a XL role and he’s inarguably the highest potential of anyone in the draft at his role. Whining about one year of production ignoring the factors that lead to it is the definition of ignorance.  Even if you preferred a different WR, the worst you could give that pick is a B.  Surrounding a young QB with weapons is how everyone agrees it should be done, so doing that rather than backfilling depth spots at CB or edge is not a poor strategy. We got at least three guys that should be starting before the end of the year, maybe four depending on the LB we took in the 3rd. Our LB position was weaker than CB or edge rusher. 

    Not to mention, the trade back in the 2nd was A++ in terms of value to pick up a future 2nd to move back 13 spots. The trade up for Legette was also excellent. Even if you hate the picks, the draft itself was extremely successful. They got the top RB in the whole draft in the middle of the second round. A RAS monster at WR. They got who many had as TE 2, a contested catch machine with ZERO drops, in the 4th. Another explosive RAS guy at LB to develop behind Thompson and Jewell. And we’ve got whiners in here saying we got no physical traits, a TE who can’t catch, and a RB who won’t start for 3 years. People just determined to complain whether they even know what they’re complaining about or not.

    • Pie 2
  4. 6 hours ago, Newtcase said:

    This was a complete poo show, which is just my opinion of course.  However, this opinion will become fact in a few months and the kool aid drinkers will act like blind squirrels find acorns.  We did nothing to help ourselves in the draft.

    A first round WR with FOUR dud years in college.  Yeah he’ll be a difference maker against pros with BY at QB.  Dude has heavy feet out the gate which isn’t what we need.

    An injured RB that will take three years to hold Chubba’s jock.

    Sanders might be the best pick of our draft.  But only because we’re awful at the position and BY should be a TE friendly QB.  Too bad he can’t catch and block because we need both.

    Anything good after that would be a happy accident.  The Panthers drafted with the same mentality they’ve had for years.  Buy cheap and hope for value.  It stinks of someone who treats a football team like the stock market, trying to outsmart the next guy and make an easy profit.

    The only real fix here is coaching up players with extraordinary physical attributes, that’s the NFL.  Instead we try to draft “impact” players with marginal and even questionable physical attributes in the name of value.  My only real hope this season is that we could find a rudder on the coaching side and establish some consistency somewhere in the org.  This reeks of a David Tepper influenced draft though.

    Take a receipt, I’ll be here to happily take my medicine should our merry band of clowns accidentally got something right.

    Some real strange takes here. Brooks taking 3 years to hold Chubas jock? Lol. Sanders can’t catch? Lol. Expecting anything but happy accidents in rounds 5-7? Lol. Saying they drafted players with marginal/questionable physical attributes? Lol. If you’re gonna try to dog on folks just for not being as negative as you, at least be accurate in your reasons for being negative. 

    • Pie 5
  5. 4 hours ago, Hoenheim said:

    A lot of us were calling for offensive line help this draft this off-season after seeing it collapse last year due to injuries. 

    I personally found it bizzare that they would spend so much addressing RG and LG. And then just do a patch job at C relying on two guys that have been injured two years in a row and have minimal experience playing the position in the NFL. 

    What were your thoughts on this? This is probably the main thing the made me not love this draft.  If wed drafted JPJ or Frazier in R2 and gotten a decent RB later it woudlve been perfect to me.

    I feel like all that money they spent will be pissed into to the wind if Corbett/Christensen/Mays suck and/are injured.

    I wanted to see a center with one of the second round picks. I choose to believe JPJ was on their radar they just got an offer they couldn’t refuse when the Rams dangled that 2025 2nd. I think we already know Mays sucks since Morgan only mentioned Corbett and Christensen when he was asked about the position post draft. I always thought Christensen might be a good center going back to when we drafted him. Hope one of those 2 works out or we’re screwed.

    • Pie 2
  6. 36 minutes ago, flagfootballcoach28 said:

    Leggete not doing the agility drills at the combine was disappointing. His 10 yard split didn’t match his 40. 95% of the plays in a game  you don’t reach top speed but instead rely on quickness and route running savy. I wish we would have given Bryce another elite separator such as AD Mitchell or Lad. Heck, even  Roman Wilson was available in the 3rd who’s going to be a stud. Very disappointing in this pick. I’m crossing my fingers that I’m wrong. 

    I liked Ladd a lot but the reality is We already had the route runner and separator in Dionte Johnson. We didn’t have the take the top off the defense jump ball huge catch radius type player that Leggete seems to be.

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  7. 2 hours ago, Bear Hands said:

    I've always appreciated this guys takes.  He's a big fan of Legette and is starting to convince me otherwise of our direction at receiver (linked to Panthers timestamp):


    I ran across him last year and he has some well thought out analysis and decent takes. I saw something he put out recently in which he said he’s moving to Charlotte and he had a Panthers jersey on under whatever else he was wearing. Seems to be embracing the team even though I think he’s a Packers or Vikings fan or something like that. Good stuff.

  8. 53 minutes ago, hepcat said:

    They need a center so badly 

    I don’t think we can rely on an UDFA unfortunately. Starter-wise our best bets are Corbett or Christensen at this point. If they’re terrible or injured we’re at backup level for the year just hoping it’s not a train wreck.

    • Pie 1
  9. 35 minutes ago, PappyMay said:

    I agree with Center, but OT this year I think is fine. Nijman from the Packers has over 20 starts there and Brady has a few there too. Center though is certainly worrisome. 

    I forgot about Nijman. I’d rather try to convert Christensen to center but we need him as a depth piece across the whole OL apparently. He seems like he could be a decent center but what do I know.

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