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About WUnderhill

  • Birthday June 25

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  1. It didn’t when they shafted the Panthers to gave it to Manning?
  2. Is this the same dude that insulted and dug around for a picture of Verge just because she didn’t write a Bryce Young hit piece? Soft would be coming after people online with personal attacks just because their opinion of an athlete differs from yours.
  3. I know it is cliche, but I think it will come down to whether the team can stay healthy at a few key positions. I think they’ve done an admirable job reshaping the roster, but depth is paper thin.
  4. This just in: Cam Newton bigger than Bryce Young. More news at 11
  5. Sitting back collecting the money from these cancer ads that make the forum unusable without an ad blocker or special browser. I don’t even try to check on my computer anymore it just immediately freezes up.
  6. What we really need is a photo of Pep holding his gold jacket next to Bryce Young.
  7. First part not true. The constant trauma from headers has been a major concern for many years. Think about a 16oz ball traveling 70mph hitting you in the head hundreds of times. I read a study years back that found similar levels of brain damage between a soccer player and a boxer.
  8. Can somebody with skills please photoshop Teppers face onto every fan who is throwing a drink?
  9. This got pies and cheers lol. The Bryce derangement is real.
  10. Some of these posts have aged like milk overnight lol.
  11. This seems like an awful lot of hand wringing over VP of Player Personnel.
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