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About WUnderhill

  • Birthday June 25

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  1. Lol you’re trying so hard to be Sigmund Freud after getting embarrassed trying to be a know-it-all on what projection is. Good god imagine creating an account just to literally bully people by dead threading to make yourself feel superior and crying about bullies. What a joke. Can’t wait for my next high school level psychological analysis.
  2. Yeah I think Teppers problems have been mostly the opposite of what people usually bash him for. I think he’s been too patient, mostly stemming back to Rhule and Hurney. 1. Should have never given Rhule that much power. 2. Should have never let Rhule go into year 3. 3. Should have tied Rhule and a GM together instead of keeping Hurney an extra year if you’re gonna go that route. That would have solved having to go into last season not knowing if Tepper was a good GM because you gave Rhule so much power and probably changes a lot. Going into non-Tepper decisions, we should have let Cam play out the final year of his contract and draft a QB instead of starting this QB carousel with Bridgewater. We’ve just compounded bad decision after bad decision on top of those few early bad decisions. But hey, at least we have music in Charlotte now.
  3. There you go projecting again. Any perceived passive-aggression from the 4 words “Whose alt is this?” Is a reflection of your own insecurities. Relax, nobody was attacking you Mabel, it was just a logical conclusion that this is probably somebody’s alt account. I mean yeah, we all know alts are lame, but my original assumption was you had a banned account, which is less lame than somebody just hiding behind an alt. If I actually wanted to make a personal attack, there’s plenty of material there for somebody who created an account the day after the worst opening day loss in Panthers history just to troll and resurrect dead threads. You sure seem pretty insecure to be deflecting this much over a simple question.
  4. Lol, do YOU know what it means? I’ll spell it out for you. See, my implication was that you yourself got worked up and hissy over a simple question and attributed those feelings to me. Just stop trying to be clever and answer the question it was a simple question.
  5. That’s a lot of projection, but I don’t get worked up over obvious trolls. Just answer the question I’m curious.
  6. Didn’t respond to anything I said just making up your own reality once again.
  7. Lol you keep saying things that make me think you’re just responding to something you made up in your head and not me, yet you keep quoting me. Are you ok? I’m still waiting to find out what the sob story was from your original quote of me. Now we have excuses? Point to the excuse please and tell me what it’s an excuse for. And please quote my op and tell me what is factually incorrect and why I’m having to deal with quote after quote from you and CRA arguing against things that you yourselves have admitted are factually true. I think you’ve just been waiting all off-season for Bryce Young to fail and you’re so desperate to have your I told you so moment that you can’t even respond to what people are actually saying.
  8. Everything bolded is verfiably false. Proven false. Known for a fact to be false. Admitted to be false even by the people arguing with me for some reason. What is hard to understand about this. The whole thread is based on a lie that he didn’t work with his receivers or go to the gym in the off-season when we know he did both those things, and in the case of working with receivers we had Twitter verification that it was happening literally while it was happening. Let’s live in reality, that is all. He did those things and looked terrible. The only thing you were correct about was that he didn’t appear to improve from whatever he did in the off-season, but that wasn’t the point of the thread. The point of the thread was a character assassination that he didn’t try to improve at all on his own. We know he did some things, we don’t know how much but we know he did at least some. And we know the result yesterday looked terrible.
  9. Nope I was quoted by CRA when I responded to OP. What’s the point if you aren’t even going to read? Why are you quoting and arguing with me without even bothering to understand the point I was making. Y’all are literally arguing against me while at the same time admitting that what I said, my whole point, is true. There’s literally nothing to argue from my original point, and yet here we are, that’s what is bizarre.
  10. What is the obsession with arguing this? I genuinely don’t get it. Can we not just admit what OP said was false and move on? You admit it, he worked with his receivers. We have an article that says he was back to morning workouts after just one week. Can we move on from saying that he did neither of those things? That’s really all we know isn’t it? We have no clue whether he did the bare minimum, but we know he did AT LEAST those two things. That was my whole point. Why do y’all keep quoting me and trying to argue something else? Whatever he did or didn’t do the result was terrible yesterday. You are arguing like admitting he did anything in the off-season means he looked good or something. Y’all are bizarre for this.
  11. Yeah and I’ve seen you corrected on it before and yet you still use the partial quote from the article and try to make it look like the whole story. That very same article says he slept in for about a week before getting back to daily workouts. It’s not “later he gave more details”, it’s the very next paragraph after you ended your quote and you are intentionally misrepresenting it. So you’ve done the convo a billion times and yet you still leave out that exact part of the quote and seek me out to argue as if that part of the story doesn’t exist. Admitting your dishonesty in this and still standing by it is quite absurd. The OP said “Nothing about him getting the wideouts together to work on their game. In fact, it was the complete opposite…Didn’t hit the gym, didn’t practice with anyone…” All of that is patently false and you want to sit here arguing over nonsense. I come in here and say “Bryce was terrible and it’s WORSE because he did go to the gym and did get his WRs together to work out.” And all y’all want to talk about is your made up story that he sat and watched Netflix 24hrs a day. Let’s talk about real life, not make believe.
  12. What’s the sob story? I said he sucked and that not working with his receivers in the off-season isn’t the reason because he actually did work with his receivers, WHICH IS WORSE. I swear people not even reading anymore.
  13. Keep going with that article. I dare you. This is such a huge problem nowadays. You are literally arguing against what that article says you’re just too lazy to read the whole thing.
  14. Now THAT is bad. Not that it seemed to matter all that much yesterday that he was on the field. I just hope we can go back to a 4-3 next season. This 3-4 has never worked for us and Brown would be so much better in a 4-3 imo. It’s not like we have some stellar 3-4 personnel or anything we’ve basically never had a true 3-4 nose and surprise surprise we’ve never been able to stop the run.
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