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electro's horse

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Everything posted by electro's horse

  1. So how much worse of a hire does this make canales, given what his offense did against evero?
  2. Oh wow they’re going to get the ball out fast and limit turnovers. Revolutionary
  3. The only way the panthers were getting turnovers last year is if the defense tried to strip the running back every time as they ran clock for half the game. if you want to force turnovers you need to put the opposing offense into the right situations; namely abandoning the run and needing to pass. unfortunately our head coach has spent less time as a coordinator than he did writing a book about his addiction to milfhunter, and he’s excited about one of the worst qbs in the modern era.
  4. Evero has twice now fielded competitive, respectable units on garbage poo tier teams. In Denver he did it despite the unit being gutted halfway through the year. The Panthers didn’t make a lot of “big plays” because opposing offenses didn’t need to do anything to outscore the panthers. I don’t know what you expect the defense to do if the other team starts running out the clock start the second half.
  5. i agree with this. just take some toolsy guy every year in the 7th and see if you strike gold.
  6. Collinsworth has stopped trying and phoned it in to a degree that, honestly, I respect.
  7. I think the funniest part of the broadcast was at the end when Olsen was going off about them having used a timeout at the end to try to get that last touchdown. He was going over all the contingencies and someone in his ear very clearly told him to shut up about it and he went quiet for about thirty seconds. Then he kinda apologized. He's gonna be successful in whatever he does.
  8. Some Asshole: "Well sir, we're getting a lot of engagement centering around this latest issue. As you can see, one members posted several thoughtful open ended questions which spurred several pages of discussion." Tepper: "Fantastic! Bring me a puppy to choke."
  9. yeah and their college career is meaningless after their first nfl snap
  10. You identified two players as reasons they were able to win the Super Bowl who weren’t even on the team. Sorry if I don’t care about the points you think are good.
  11. hang the banners that man of the year nomination is gonna help swallow the 3 win seasons.
  12. it literally does not muddy the waters at all, as evidenced by THIS YEAR 2022 3rd round pick Matt Coral not being thought about at all as they traded the world for their magical midget
  13. wait what his work as a WR coach "caused" russell wilson to win a super bowl? Was that WR coach in the QB room? of course not stop being stupid. There are two people that think of that Seahawks team and think of Russell Wilson: you and Wilson. I'm not sure what Tyler locket contributed to that team since he was still at kansas. You're probably trying to say Ricardo lockett, but you're starting from a conclusion and working backwards and don't know what you're talking about on top of that so you get embarrassing stupid poo like this. David Moore was not even in college yet, to say nothing of being on the Seahawks roster. Don't respond. Just log off
  14. the mcnairs are creating a christian team that at one point had a bible camp counselor overseeing the entire franchise, but they've struck gold with their weirdo qb so it's hard to say
  15. okay you were able to isolate one specific thing about his season that he was better at than ever before. I'm sure it has nothing else to do with having two great jump ball receivers but hey, good on Canales. Overall (the better way to judge a player's year) his production was comparable to 2018 and 2020. Maybe the Panthers should be hiring Freddie Kitchens instead!
  16. okay but that demonstrates a weakness in the way you perceive things and isn't something to be proud of. Optimism, even if you couch it as "cautious," in the face of overwhelming observable evidence and conjecture, could be called delusional in the appropriate clinical setting.
  17. What the hell is innovative about him? Do you people just make up what you want to be true?
  18. Baker had similar stats to what he did as he did in 2018 and 2020. How is that a miracle
  19. Multiple people getting a chance to explain why it’s the other guys fault.
  20. Not even the longest head coaching contract tepper has handed out.
  21. Still leaves room for a cap guy to be a third direct reporter. to say nothing about tabor knifing everyone he can via text. love it. LOVE IT
  22. Oh for sure. im just saying if canales sold himself by convincing tepper he could run the same offense….well fuging good for him. Get paid man. It’s not like this team is ever going to be competitive again.
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