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electro's horse

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Everything posted by electro's horse

  1. just so we're clear, this is the guy who negotiated peppers' contract in chicago well before the deadline, and had peppers announce he wanted to play in a 3-4 to nuke his trade value. Also told him to announce he'd only accept a trade to like new england and someone else (can't remember) to make sure Carolina didn't trade him before he could be signed a second after free agency started. ALSO almost certainly involved in the UNC academic scandal. Dude's a piece of poo
  2. how many breakouts would it take for bryce to be average? atleast 2 right? to be the 15th best qb in the league? if he was a top 25 qb this year it'd be considered a breakout
  3. terrified if i actually read that OP i'll black out and wake up in a 3rd world basement, surrounded by screaming asian guys, with a red bandana tied around my forehead and a chambered revolver in front of me
  4. Also for whatever the medium green egg doesn’t work as well as the large or XL. just like doesn’t hold temp as well or burn as cleanly as you’d expect. I e replaced everything on it multiple times. Weird.
  5. best brisket i ever had was at a gas station/bbq place in austin. worst was at copper this year at this shitty bbq joint place on the slopes. Just complete garbage.
  6. and son. SON i've done two briskets on my green egg. first was a complete disaster and i ended up slicing it and tossing it in the overn to finish just so i had something to serve second started on a saturday night for a sunday dinner. i only have a medium GE so i can't get the big ones, but it was decent sized. probably about 17 hours on the smoker. had to change the lump like 6 or 7 times, then i think i let it sit for 2 hours. i was so fuging high by that point i can't remember there were no leftovers
  7. i think also it might be a shitty picture. the color looks right. smoke ring looks good. just looks dry
  8. i love people with no medical experience making tenuous assumptions based on, uh, the fact his dad sucked in every practical lab in med school and had to go into psychiatry its fun to think of what these same fans would be saying with any other profession "well his dad was a cardiologist so obviously he knows how to stay calm." "well his dad was a neurologist so oviously he keeps his brain waves at a low level and isn't at risk of seizure, which is good (obviously)." "well his dad is a surgeon so he knows how to overcome his lack of confidence over height." "well his dad was a pediatrician so that's why he looks like a child, but kids don't get injured easily and have limitless potential so-"
  9. Replacement level qb and John Fox coaching is so aspirational right now I can barely envision it.
  10. Charlotte's technically braves country, at least we can count on them to be competitive urine and you are out. Hold on, wait, i'm getting an update...
  11. i will never forget his multiple end of game drives where the panthers were down like 14 points or so and there was just NO urgency at all. like he either didn't care, or didn't understand the situation, or was happy to just keep checking it down and walking back to the line. unreal.
  12. i know you mean well, and i'm sure this will come across as a bleeding heart liberal whatever and I'm not trying to target you, but don't use the word crazy. words in mental health mean a lot, not just for patient interactions but how we frame conversations. you wouldn't say "Lunger" for someone with tuberculosis. Same with "drug addict." an addict is someone we don't have to care about, or who did it to themselves, or has fuged up over and over again. small pet peeve of mine that i lecture students about and i always try to implement in the way I practice medicine.
  13. trying to get a Tim Flock joke in here about the monkey he used to ride with and connect it to Bryce, but I'm not awake yet.
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