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Posts posted by GoobyPls

  1. 1 hour ago, top dawg said:

    I'm not sure that that's true. Here is an interesting chart spacer.png


    Honestly, I don't think age really has much to do with their long term viability as a receiver.

    I really can't find any information about your claim. I did see some things about late bloomers having an advantage in sports in general, but nothing necessarily about the NFL. I certainly wouldn't let that stop me from drafting a player if I thought he was the best available. That being said, Legette is intriguing. He needs some polish according to draft profiles, but he is not without talent. I can't wait to hear what we think about him.

    That chart has to do with age not WR who were late bloomers in college. I can’t really find a comp for a guy who did basically nothing 4 years in college was good one season then went on to be a good WR in the pros. And I’m not against draft him cause we need all the help we can get but I’m still cautious with him as a prospect 

  2. 1 hour ago, top dawg said:

    He ain't the first and won't be the last. Sometimes, particularly under some coaches, players have to wait their turn. It's not uncommon as you should very well know. Just like you can make the most negative spin on it that you can, I can easily say that when he did get the opportunity, he outplayed everyone else, so much so that he put himself in a position to go probably in the second round (with an oustide chance to go in the first). So, there's that. How are you going to fault him for that?

    Who is faulting him?  I said I don’t know what to make of him. It wasn’t until he was 22/23 that he started getting a bunch of snaps and a lot of late college bloomers don’t translate to the pros that well

  3. 1 hour ago, top dawg said:

    Outplayed? What in the world? He was made a QB his senior year in high school because the QB went down and the coach was in a pinch. As he was the best athlete on the team, the coach made him the QB. That's not being outplayed, it's being moved due to necessity. 

    Go back and read my first comment I said he was outplayed for snaps in college. Which he was 

  4. 9 hours ago, CRA said:

    He started turning it on at the end of the prior year when you know….the Gameock QB actually started to throw the ball. 

    Prior to that, a raw/developing WR player didn’t have much to a place on bad pass O.   Like I said that starts getting into the window they were pulling coaches to be the QB at Carolina. 

    Everyone’s timeline is different.  2023 matters  way more than 2021. 


    A lot of college teams have terrible passing games, that didn’t stop the other SC receivers from producing atleast a little. I would expect a 23 year old to beat out some teenager 

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