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  1. This eagles offense and defense schemes are really simple, that’s how talented they are. They don’t need to get creative to beat you.
  2. It’s getting to the point with Saqoun that it’s better to leave a safety high and let him beat you with 5 yard runs. Cause these big runs are killers, and if your staking the box once he gets past the front 7 it’s over.
  3. Nope, we need defense and he’s not the type of WR Bryce needs
  4. The commanders are basically running a college offense in the nfl, everything is no huddle, fast pace, rpo, screens or bombs.
  5. wtf are they doing? If your gonna go for call a timeout. That was a horrendous decision
  6. I’m almost positive he told the panthers he wasn’t playing the last week he was on the team, that injury was complete BS
  7. From a scheme perspective he’s not that creative and it’s not that “QB friendly” like a Sean Payton drawing up 20 different way to throw screen passes. But he seems to be a really good motivator and instill confidence in his team.
  8. I would love to have him on the team, and I think we can afford him. But I doubt he wants to play in Carolina, he probably wants to go to a sure contender and with the way Diontae turn out I think the FO will be very cautious about bringing in WR with an attitude problem.
  9. He’s played like a top 10 since the benching
  10. Love the growth from Bryce, he looks like the number 1 pick
  11. The falcons are trying to make Penix look good cause if they wanted they can just run the ball all game
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