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Everything posted by cptx

  1. Yeah they went from cheerleaders to crybabies in about three plays
  2. I almost feel bad for these announcers. They were so happy
  3. Not with all of these supposed special teams aces they brought in
  4. Crayons are dull. He needs to get the ones with the sharpener built into the box
  5. OMG what is Ginn doing?? you are supposed to immediately fall to your knees and maybe fumble. damn dude
  6. Yup. A lot of those people didn't even get to watch, either.
  7. Chicago Sunroof haha
  8. Do you like online or single player stuff? I play Heroes & Generals and War Thunder. Both are free to play. No single player at all in H&G though.
  9. Yeah Corey Taylor's voice is fuged. We went and saw them in Dallas last Halloween and I was really disappointed. Great stage show, theatrics and pyrotechnics, but the music was meh, IMO. Ever since Grey died and now with Joey gone they just aren't the same. I really with I could have caught them live during the Iowa days. Korn opened for them, and I have to say that I liked their set better than Slipknot's. Jonathan Davis huffs oxygen between every song and still goes hard. It was the second time I've seen them.
  10. The Saul story line has been pretty damn good so far, but they are telling Mike's story as well. That alone has made it worth watching.
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