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The Link

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Status Updates posted by The Link

  1. No, she's mine, assgoblin.

  2. No, she's mine, bitchfist.

  3. Not sensitive, just tired of idiots. :smile:

  4. She's mine, asshat.

  5. So that thing in your sig from Pan's Labyrinth...is really starting to freak me out.

  6. So who is that in your avatar?

  7. Spiller is coming back!

  8. The all powerful ass...she's mine!

  9. Well, it looks like I won't be seeing you again at the next tailgate, lol.

  10. What is that on your avatar? It's too dark to make out...

  11. Who are those two chicks in your avatar?

  12. Who is that is your avi?

  13. Who is that lovely lady in your avatar??

  14. Yes, we need the locker room back..

  15. your avatar made me lol

  16. Your sig made me laugh really hard.

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