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Panther Boyd

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Status Updates posted by Panther Boyd

  1. I had a buddy that graduated from Elon. If you ever make it down for a game, give me a shout and we'll try to hook you up w/ some food and spirits.

  2. Sorry to hear about your loss. You and your family are in our prayers and God speed.

  3. Cool. Me and McNasty usually do a little something, but if it's a big game we try to kick it up a notch. Just give me a yell!!!

  4. Dude an Irish fan and BoSox fan, you would be welcome in my house anyday.

  5. I ran into your ex-boyfriend the other night, he wanted to know how you've been since you surgically had your gag reflex removed.

  6. I have a 16 year old daughter and a 3 year old daughter that cause Drama everyday. But I have a wonderful wife that makes every morning worth getting up for!!!!!!! I am a former Cowboys fan, but I don't pull for them at all. Saw your avatar, if you hate UNC you are alright in my book!!!

  7. Holy poo.....did you finally get a computer at home instead of raping the taxpayers Mon-Friday.

  8. Great avatar!!!! "Fat, drunk, & stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Wormer

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