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Happy Panther

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Everything posted by Happy Panther

  1. It's not the media's fault unless you are a mindless drone.
  2. Yes that would be an excellent result of all of this.
  3. https://theconversation.com/cheese-eating-surrender-monkeys-its-time-to-give-the-french-army-the-credit-it-deserves-81853
  4. Places that wore masks and did what a competent government told them will open up this fall. Too bad Americans can't do that. We are losing to France.
  5. F has yet to recover. I made a bundle on Jan 2021 calls. Could be the next play - maybe double up on the stock itself or June 2021 calls. Nothing else I follow seems terribly undervalued.
  6. Tons of countries have figured it out. Even Little America is looking good. https://covid19-projections.com/canada
  7. https://apnews.com/a2fe15fb7cfdf3de2aa88359db1f6716?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=AP&utm_campaign=SocialFlow
  8. And he has read a lot of takes.
  9. Lies. Anyway you can look at other countries who have effectively beat the virus and see what they did if you think NYC screwed up. France, Finland, Norway and many more. Guess what they did? I'm sure I don't have to type it out. We know how to beat it. It's not speculation. We just refuse to do it. From the president to Karen at Starbucks. All idiots. Also the virus is predicted to peak again in mid August. Stop making up garbage or provide a source.
  10. In my town they are all still open except one burger joint that closed like Day 1 of the pandemic. Our charity has been ordering out a lot.
  11. Total garbage. Moronic. Do better research.
  12. https://www.factcheck.org/2020/05/outdated-fauci-video-on-face-masks-shared-out-of-context/ Shut the hell up.
  13. Yeah we are getting mocked by France. Government says : to beat this you have to follow these rules. Citizens say: Ok then. In America citizens say: Mah Freedoms! Meanwhile: https://covid19-projections.com/france
  14. Garbage. Fauci initially said save the masks for front line workers because there was concern in the community that supplies would run out. And in early April they literally did. Fauci has explained this many times. It was good will advice. The message can't be more clear. Where a mask, stay inside, wash your hands. If you are really still confused about what the message from "science" is then you are a dolt. Shut the the hell up.
  15. Here is the NC school plan and extension of phase 2. https://www.wxii12.com/article/north-carolina-coronavirus-school-august-online-in-person/33299876
  16. https://covid19-projections.com/ Another thing I note on this site is that no state is improving on the number of cases and only NY and RI are slightly improving on deaths. Country seems to be worse overall than a week ago. Gonna be a long road.
  17. Yeah I think some people dismiss how agonizing this can be for both victims and survivors. I keep hearing reports of long terms side effects too.
  18. I'm seeing slightly worse on cases slightly better on deaths: https://covid19-projections.com/
  19. https://www.iflscience.com/health-and-medicine/an-nyu-pathologist-says-blood-clots-were-found-in-amost-every-organ-of-coronavirus-patients-autopsies/?fbclid=IwAR2ADSfRj72kN6Xo8E1cdzBB9ScnaDSdEJwqIC2-mE8CHjvL58eG1_dxu7E Hoax!
  20. https://www.salon.com/2020/07/08/56-florida-hospitals-hit-100-icu-capacity-as-desantis-defends-refusal-to-release-coronavirus-data/ Pertinent
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