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Happy Panther

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Everything posted by Happy Panther

  1. No it's a dumb conservative tactic. Tell other people what they are saying then argue against it. Anti-intellectualism and bad faith argument.
  2. That is clearly not the point.
  3. Whataboutism is tedious and doesn't make a point. Florida has botched this and no amount of "But NYC" is going to change it.
  4. Yes but Covid is effectively over in New York https://covid19-projections.com/us-ny Florida is going to suffer for a while. https://covid19-projections.com/us-fl Also compare the infections rates for each. https://rt.live/ NYC has 40% of the population of Florida packed into 302 square miles. Florida is 66,000 square miles. So of course NYC got hammered. The difference is NYC and its libtards made smart decisions driven by science and beat it. NYC will be open while Florida is still suffering. You can do all the mental gymnastics you like but DeSantis is a moron. Just yesterday he said he would rather have bars open. The only thing he should be saying is "Stay home if you can, wear a mask, wash your hands, don't congregate." So should Trump. It's so simple and amazing how many idiots can't comprehend it.
  5. BofA seems like a pretty good value play right now. Saying "never buy sector X" has no meaning.
  6. I don't care that Trump golfs. He can do presidential stuff anywhere. I don't care that he looks funny or screws up drinking water. But when I golf I usually make sure I do my job first as a father and business owner. This week, trump retweeted a video with someone saying "white power," petitioned the SCOTUS to get rid of Obamacare DURING A PANDEMIC, and was found out have known about Russia putting hits out on American soldiers. That's not all he did. And the fact that he profits off of his own golf outings is slimy at best. Hannity would have had a week long special on it. It would be like that one inept employee skipping out for golf at noon when a critical project is due at 5:00. Obama did his job. He was allowed to go on holiday and golf. Trump is a joke.
  7. https://www.afar.com/magazine/europe-finally-set-to-reopen-but-not-to-us-travelers Smart. NY/NJ should close its borders as well.
  8. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2020/06/08/how-iceland-beat-the-coronavirus?utm_campaign=falcon&utm_source=facebook&mbid=social_facebook&utm_brand=tny&utm_social-type=owned&utm_medium=social&fbclid=IwAR3D6mO8RJ4pYeW23mLe5Pfs9D7kyJ8GFefgjEfaO1t2JDwUnEj6w9Z1bYE&fbclid=IwAR3lSwg7TETrBXo9D1bT65dZs9U78Gp7jVqGJ5tyfu44qyCo-gjInSc8oik&fbclid=IwAR1symYAt2Bu6CzRjlzSQLEe-36mmOuLnjAcyI9Qb9XzP9WPGjPjwbKBbTM Crazy.
  9. Here is a site with state by state projections through October 1. https://covid19-projections.com/us-nc I posted NC - we are projected to double or triple covid deaths by October. New York is basically done with covid. Overall it looks like a second peak in August (not second wave) driven my mostly southern states.
  10. Bought Oxy at 12.75 but holding for now...
  11. The EU says it may ban visitors from America.
  12. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/coronavirus-fears-temporarily-shuts-down-peninsula-club-report/ar-BB15vlVP Move along...
  13. https://www.mecknc.gov/news/Pages/Mecklenburg-County-COVID-19-Data-for-June-7.aspx
  14. Tests tend to spike mid to late week for whatever reason so not surprising
  15. https://covid19.ncdhhs.gov/dashboard/testing Here are the total tests.
  16. Yeah recall the stage 2 stuff was two weeks ago. Hope it decreases but i wouldn't bet on it.
  17. https://www.mecknc.gov/news/Pages/Mecklenburg-County-COVID-19-Data-for-June-3.aspx
  18. https://www.mecknc.gov/news/Pages/Mecklenburg-County-COVID-19-Data-for-May-31.aspx
  19. You gotta wait around two weeks. A "spike" seems to be developing in Georgia.
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