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Happy Panther

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Everything posted by Happy Panther

  1. Of course I didn't say that.
  2. There are plenty of us who can engage in moderate debate. What I have seen in the world and in the Tinderbox is that part of the right has become so nasty that many on the left have given up and just throw the same tactics back. There are several folks in the TB who used to let the vitriol slide but now its black and white.
  3. Don't learn from me as I am taking a bath on that option. I usually buy both a put and a call (a straddle) but I ignorantly thought there was way to much upside to bother with the put. But I have 9 months to recover. I agree it looks like a good one to add. The problem with options is when the strike date hits and you are out of the money it closes and you own nothing. Ford is way down but i can hold it forever or until it goes bankrupt. Learn straddle strategies. It's harder to lose money. All you need is for the stock to go up or down enough. So buy a straddle with a strike date in 2022 and wait for some movement. https://www.fidelity.com/viewpoints/active-investor/straddling-the-market
  4. Do it. He is going to tell you why Walmart is a good thing. Be warned.
  5. I think some of us can handle 538
  6. Tucker Carlson, Pence and Trump? Come on get that stuff to political.
  7. Debatable. Read this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lexus_and_the_Olive_Tree. If you know Friedman at all you already know his message. He makes for an interesting read.
  8. Doubtful. China sells cheap stuff and economically we and much of the world relies upon them. Starbucks had been hammered due to lack of business in China. But who knows with the current administration.
  9. Almost every country has the coronavirus now. But China got it right off the bat.
  10. I usually stay away from options but I bought a large position today in this. F Jan 15 2021 10 Call
  11. No I disagree with his idea 100%. But his stats may be right.
  12. I'm not sure he is wrong. All the stats I can find capture the 10-19 range. And the only country i can find who have deaths in that range is China. Maybe you have different sources.
  13. Virginia schools are now closed for the school year.
  14. So it looks like China may be recovering. This will be big for an economic recovery. Of course China needs other countries to which to sell. But a China recovery could keep the market afloat.
  15. DOJ have asked congress to suspend Habeus Corpus.They won't of course.
  16. I mean yesterday his DOJ tried to suspend habeus corpus.
  17. Seems like something other sports could do.
  18. Probably. The good news is we know how to handle economic downturns. The second biggest one happened a little over a decade ago. Stimulus and bailouts help. And we need individual and small business help as well. All parties tend to agree to increase the debt in times like these. But the way to make this a two month rather than 12 month downturn is to do what the experts are saying. /skips political rant/ As far as your local taco shop boarding up. That sucks and will happen. If you have a few bucks get delivery or curbside pickup from your local shop. If you have more than a few bucks buy gift cards. Look for local charity too. And if you have lots of bucks buy equities and keep buying.
  19. We are proving in real time that isolation and shutting things down is the way to battle this. China did it and is recovering quickly. No new cases today. Really smart people are telling me this is the solution. So I am isolated. That's not panic it's common sense. The economy will recover.
  20. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/28927076/sources-nfl-teams-put-coronavirus-clauses-deals NFL teams put coronavirus clauses in deals
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