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Happy Panther

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Everything posted by Happy Panther

  1. Ginn looks dangerous. Wish he could have sneaked away on that one.
  2. This is not true. I know nothing about pretty much everything.
  3. Sorry Panther nation...I just put $50 on the Panthers -3.5 You know what that means. I haven't made a successful sports bet since 1988
  4. This is an excellent example of what you knuckle dragging rednecks who went out of your own state once on your mission trip don't understand. If you want to know where the best Italian wine can be had where do you ask? The Total Wine in Ballantyne? You know you do. No: go to the local Italian restaurant run by first generation Italians and buy what they drink. You want good Mexican? Go to Chipotle right? No you morons. Go to the truck where all the Mexicans go at lunch on a Tuesday. And if you want good BUFFALO wings, ask the guys from upstate New York which is best. Yeah Buffalo Wild Wings is super if you are an asshat. Go to Wild Wing Cafe.
  5. http://www.wingkingcafe.net/ The people I worked with from Buffalo says these are the best. I haven't been there in years but they were always damn good.
  6. I asked my buddy during the game if we had gone downfield and we couldn't remember any except the ball to Olsen that was dropped or tipped. Later we went long to Lafell and he couldn't get there...was a penalty on the offense anyway. Is that it?
  7. You are trolling someone based on the timeliness of their tweets?
  8. On vacation and am trying to work out 45-60 mins per day. Around half cardio. Will probably get 10 out of 12 days which is great for me. Hoping this will be a boost into getting back to a regular routine.
  9. http://www.amazon.com/The-Golem-Jinni-LP-Novel/dp/0062253824 This been mentioned?
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