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Everything posted by j2sgam

  1. I bought one of the books for my detached garage, built it myself at 16'x24', wired it up and now its my workshop/mancave... Lots of cool layouts, the book I got wanted me to send money for their plans.. Yeah, no... No pic of garage, but here's yous obligatory...
  2. ...and your boy, at work with a 50cal sniper rifle somebody didnt want anymore....
  3. I know a guy, I can hook you up..... I just did this for a friend of mine, really expanding his gaming experience... That 4th pic is the sweet setup, 5 portrait-view monitors acting as 1. Gonna have to look into that....
  4. Where is my beer?

  5. couple of my favorites from my favorite...
  6. I feel ya HotSauce, went to show teh wife that marijuana brownie note pic the other day and had to explain just "What I am lookin at all day.." Im glad you asked, I didnt want to be the guy, but I will 2nd the motion.... :thumbsup: ..and now, your good deed tip of the day!
  7. They range from about $10k to $15k depending...IIRC...
  8. Waddup buddy? Aint seen you in a while, you been scarce lately.. Or maybe I have...

  9. Thems are fantastical... somebody had to come click the 'Back' button cause I been just starin since you posted 'em... I even posted this message on my profile...:smilielol5:

  10. Thems are fantastical... somebody had to come click the 'Back' button cause I been just starin since you posted 'em...

  11. edit: itchy trigger finger, nothin more... :leaving:

  12. What the? You challengin me??? Dont know if you wanna do that, I gots an itchy one...

  13. Woulda been 1 thing if I actually did it...

  14. ^^^^ That should read 'DOUCHE'...
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