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Everything posted by joemac

  1. Dont believe the hype dude. See my post just up in this page. On WFNZ they just explained why Atlanta has pretty much no chance. Houston will just hold on to Watson and sit him again next year if he tries to force his way to Atlanta for pennies on the dollar.
  2. On Kyle Bailey right now they're talking about Atlanta's chances and they're pretty much in agreement with what we are saying here. 1. It would look REAAAAALLLY bad for Atlanta to restructure the best QB they've ever had and then a week later send him to Houston. 2. They have an atrocious defense with no people to trade to Houston. 3. They have hardly any cap space. 55 million dollar dead cap hit. 55 million dollars. The consensus seems to be that its a huge bluff, and Atlanta has a gigantic uphill battle on multiple fronts if they truly want Watson. Seem to think that this is a bluff to drive up the price for us and the Saints. They also just said to keep an eye on Terron Armstead coming to Carolina if we do land Watson. We could have a great o line all of a sudden. If there is a God out there PLEASE LET THIS HAPPEN!
  3. Nope. Old, fake news. Already been confirmed to be false.
  4. Can you give us anything else that would help us trust what you're saying right now? Because I really, really want to believe.
  5. OK, well the reason they restructured him is because he has an insanely high cap hit coming up. Either way its bad for them.
  6. They would and they would have to eat one helluva huge dead cap hit. You cant restructure a guy with a gigantic cap hit and then cut or trade him like the next week. Then they would have to absorb Watsons money, which even with a huge new contract it wouldn't be small.
  7. Atlanta has absolutely NOTHING of value to offer them, besides draft picks. If they want picks and players we are the top choice, and its not really particular close.
  8. He said it seems like everyone in Houston, and involved with the Texans wants Carolina to win the trade. So, take that for what its worth...Houston guy just said "Carolina is the favorite right now".
  9. I think they've pretty much restructured anybody who they could to even get close to being even with the cap. They've kicked a couple big contracts down the road. They really do not have many good young assets to trade away that Houston would even want/need. Hell people are talking about them trading Taysom Hill. Why the hell would Houston want him and his ridiculously gigantic contract? I still think we're the leaders in the clubhouse right now.
  10. They just said that Houston wants us to win. We, by far, have the best offer. Its pretty much all up to Watson at this point. If it was not for the no trade clause the trade would have likely already been completed. Regardless they cannot wait much longer. This will all be over soon enough. Thank God LOL.
  11. Yeah, they've got one who was somehow WORSE than Rhule the last time he was a head coach.
  12. Bailey dropping knowledge. Moral of the story is that we all need to step away from the ledge. We've got the best potential offer. Atlanta is basically trolling, but from what Bailey has heard is that we've got the best offer and nobody else can really come close. Our offense would be absolutely lethal if we add DW4. And it seems like that was communicated very effectively in our meeting.
  13. 100% Ownership of Charlotte FC 50% of Panthers 100% of all Panthers merchandise sales for 10 years 10 first round picks 10 second round picks Brian Burns Jeremy Chinn Derrick Brown Shaq Thompson CMC DJ Moore Sam Darnold Teppers sweet, sweet bussy
  14. Ramcyzk would be something like an immediate 27 million dead cap hit if hes traded. They JUST restructured his contract to attempt to get under the cap. I just dont see the resources there on NO's side. Especially compared to what we can offer.
  15. I just want us to have a real QB again, bros. Is that too much to fuging ask?
  16. WHAT fuging ASSETS CAN THEY OFFER THAT TRUMP OURS?!?!??! I FEEL LIKE IM fuging TAKING CRAZY PILLS! Ive got to step away from this poo for a minute. Im losing it. Time to go play some Elden Ring.
  17. Lance would obviously go to SF in that deal....
  18. Jesus Christ. Thats it. Im done. Its starting to get bleak for us now. I have tried to remain optimistic thru this entire thing, and I really thought we would get him yesterday but things have taken a very shitty turn for the worse today. Especially if SF is getting involved now. They could send them Lance would would probably trump anything else anybody has. However they did trade away a bunch of firsts just last year to get him so who the fug really knows at this point. So much damn mis/disinformation out there. Its getting impossible to separate the wheat from the chaff.
  19. Something like 55 million in dead cap if they get rid of him now. Its a non starter. Im sure Houston wants nothing to do with an old ass, expensive ass Matt Ryan. Plus what other assets do they have that is better than what we could offer?
  20. Whatever package we can offer them is vastly superior to Atlanta when you consider the actual players we can include.
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