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Doc Holiday

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Posts posted by Doc Holiday

  1. Current level 49.


    looking for someone to help me farm like this



    would be doing it on Wednesday and Thursday night if the Weather is still lousy.

  2. I wonder why it took so long, it feels like we are being punished for buying the next gen sometimes, I mean all the good games that have come out (for the most part) came out on the last gen also. Destiny, borderlands, last of us, gta5, ect.

    BL3 is next gen exclusive so that or whenever the next mass effect comes out will be when I finally get a next gen console. Only games out right now that I want to play is destiny and Titan fall
  3. So hooked up with a random group last night through match making and just tore through about 1/4 of the game in true vault hunter mode as if it was nothing. This game is so much more fun when you have good teammates.

  4. Any other Borderlands fans in here, I'm currently going through the TPS, looking for good co-op partners if any of yall are game, best character is currently lvl 35.


    GT: Chi1li Peppers 


    friend me if you're game.

  5. My soccer season started again after Winter break. I got up to 220lbs and now I have play against 160lbs dudes. Not fair.

    you've been pretty much doing to opposite of what I've been trying to do, I've been trying to lose wieght, I'm currently down to 193 (down 24 pounds since april 1, 2014)and if I hit 190 by march 1st, I should be able to hit my goal of 180 by the 70.3 ironman at the end of may. 


    end of year goal for me is to get back down to 170, I'm 6'1 with a big frame so at 170 i've been told I look too thin, but I never felt better from a energy and physical condition standpoint so I'm trying to get back there.

  6. because of my crazy work schedule this week, Wednesday was my only day at the gym this week. and I guess I went a bit over zealous with my workout yesterday, because when I woke up today I could barely move. I'm hoping to feel well enough to work out before I got to go to work tomorrow, but right now it's not looking promising...

  7. Well apparently hitting the gym hard after New Years has already paid off some. Saw a friend for the first time since christmas yesterday and he acted shocked to see how much I've changed but I don't feel like it but he seems impressed enough :-P

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