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Doc Holiday

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Posts posted by Doc Holiday

  1. How tall are you? Im looking to get down to 180 myself and have 7 more lbs to go. Havent decided if i want to bulk back up after though. When i was 24-25 i was working out super hard and was up to around 215-220 before i hurt my shoulder. Not sure my 28 year old body can take the abuse to get that big again lol.

    im 27 years old, and I'm 6'1 on a big frame
  2. ok, weight loss update, I've lost 12 pounds now from may 10, till which is June 9, combo of dieting and a lot of cardio, I need to start doing more weights very soon, and also start running further distances(been running only 2-3 miles a day so far).


    Currently I need to drop 16 more pounds to hit my first goal for weight loss 180, I really don't need to get lighter then that though, I'm tall with a big frame so anything less then 180 and I start looking anorexic, people thought I was looking a little too thin when I was at 170 last, I dropped weight but with that said I felt great at 170, better then ever, but I need to start building muscle especially with my arms and torso.

  3. Ok, just started working out again for the first time in over two years( job I had till end of last year was a workout in itself) and have already dropped 8 pounds in 3 weeks, my goal is to drop 20 more pounds by August so we shall see.

    I used to be down around 180 for a long time, but after I quit my job last year and changed work I started putting on weight because I just wasn't as active anymore while eating the same thing and put on 25 pounds(over a year), my end goal is 170, which might be a bit too light for me. But we shall see, I stopped myself at 180 last time I dropped weight(started at 270) and could have lost more, but with my job anything under 180 was too light and needed some extra weight to throw around so I wouldn't wear myself out too much

  4. http://www.bungie.net/7_Pathways-Out-Of-Darkness/en-us/News/News?aid=10241

    looks fantastic maybe could even be better then halo in the long run, with the bungie team you know it is a possibility, I am very curious to see where this goes.

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