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Darth Biscuit

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Status Updates posted by Darth Biscuit

  1. Come on now... u can't be disappearing...

  2. Have u started school yet?

  3. TMI... :lol: Just trying to get in work mode... I'm slackin' today.

  4. Just so you know I pronounce your name Pinch-E Gay... Have a nice day.

  5. Yeah, now I just gotta get some strength back in it... it's soooo weak.

  6. I'll getcha shortly... it's much better... they knocked me out last week and mobilized it... it hurt like hell Monday and Tuesday due to swelling but it's much better yesterday and today. My PT witch got nearly full range of motion with it yesterday... my arm is purple and yellow... it's nasty.

  7. I was gonna rep u but I gotta spread it...

  8. You know you're cool... stop acting like it doesn't matter.

  9. Al... most... there... 100,000 here you come. homo... :P

  10. You're on a roll with the avatars... must spread rep... the profile pic is :eek: as well. :thumbsup:

  11. Damn man, I haven't seen u post in a LONG time. Wassup.

  12. Yeah, if this doesn't work it's surgery again and I don't want to do that again.

  13. Meh, I'm alright... found out yesterday I've gotta have another procedure on my shoulder... it's stuck from where I had surgery and they're gonna put me to sleep and move it beyond what I can stand while awake and break up the scar tissue to get it moving... so in other words it's gonna hurt like hell for another weeek...

  14. Wassup ice man? I've tried to rep you three times recently and it won't let me... something about Canadians and too much rep?

  15. Infection, infraction whatever...

  16. I am not gay. How is stating my opinion sensitive? I will give u an infraction.

  17. U like it that much huh?

  18. Yeah, yeah... I mean on the forum. But either way I guess you were first...

  19. First person to 100,000 rep points is a homo. :P

  20. I saw it... can't do pics right now.

  21. Why r u being mean to me?

  22. I'm around.. mostly lurking today... waiting to strike

  23. I really don't know why I'm bothering but here goes... you are either just stupid or don't understand what I'm saying... I will give you the benefit of the doubt... if u want to talk sh*t to or about someone on here in threads, then have at it. What Jangler said, he said to you... you took it too far by saying something about his wife. If you can't see the difference between then stupid it is. It's cool that you have no use for me or "people like me" even though you know nothing about me, I couldn't care less... but if you continue to talk sh*t about people's families I will continue to neg you. Neg me back all you want and we'll see who gets to zero first. Seriously IRL if someone said something to you that you didn't like would you immediately say something about their wife? If so I hope you get what you deserve.

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