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Posts posted by Captroop

  1. 6 minutes ago, FakePlasticTrees said:

    The Panthers find a potential franchise QB in this draft (in the first round) or before or they have lost me. I am sick of this constant push towards mediocrity. In today's NFL hope comes from having a franchise QB. After all the statements made by those in charge, not finding a potential franchise QB is not an option!!!

    Who's going to protect a first round franchise QB? You put a QB behind this line, odds are he's gonna be shelled into becoming David Carr 2.0. I'm not opposed to getting a QB in the first round, or even with the 8th pick. But we've got so many glaring needs, that I wouldn't be burning my jersies if we didn't.



    That STUPID WFT win continues to haunt this team.

    Yeah, tanking worked so well for Doug Pederson. It's stupid. Unsportsmanlike. And if you want the team to lose so badly, you go out there and tell 50 juiced up, hyper-competitive 230lb+ alpha males to swallow their pride and intentionally play beneath their abilities so maybe the team can get a slightly higher draft pick. The players don't care. They want to win. For some, their play will determine if they got a job next year. For others, it's the last pro game they'll ever play. They ain't about to tank for poo.

  2. 4 hours ago, Zod said:

    Anyone seen MoneyBall. When it came out I liked it. Recently I revisited and man does it hold up, especially now with analytics taking over all sports. 

    One of my all time favorite sports movies, even though there's almost no sports in the entire film.

    But man, do those scenes with the daughter draaaaaaaag. I've re-watched it about 3 times and forward through those parts every time, and it's about a half hour shorter, which is perfect.

    • Pie 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, therealmjl said:

    Sweet! Thanks for posting this. 

    I've been looking to start dipping my toes into Scotch. This kind of helps me out.

    I hated it at first. But once you develop a taste, it's really hard to go back.

    If you're looking for a gateway Scotch; I think most people go for the "Mac' 12." The Macallan. Very approachable for your Irish Whiskey or Bourbon drinker.

    But my personal recommendation is to order a glass of the Compass Peat Monster or Ardbeg 10 next time you're at the bar, and see if you like the smokiness.

    • Beer 1
  4. I love lists, so I'm in! Will have to bend the rules a little bit, in that I'm going to do a Scotch list. I like Bourbon, but I only have one bottle currently (Blanton's).

    1. Daily drinker- Dewar's. It's in the crystal decanter in my home office, because if you're not going to see the label anyway, it might as well just be your daily in your classiest serving vessel.
    2. Impress your guests- Kilchomen Machir Bay. If you can't appreciate the peat, beat your feet.
    3. Cheap mixer (and for guests you know won’t appreciate it) - Glenfiddich 12. Which is a lie. It's just my low-end "quality" scotch. The real answer is Seagram's Whiskey, because I'd never sully a scotch by mixing it.
    4. Something great- your Friday night bourbon - Auchentoshan 12. Not super special. I'd usually say Balvenie Caribbean Cask, or Auchentoshan Three Wood, but I'm plum out.
    5. The saving for a special occasion bottle - I have a bottle of Glenmorangie Extremely Rare 18 that I bought as a gift, but kept for personal reasons. I don't know when I'll ever open it. I'll need a big promotion or close a monster deal.
    • Pie 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Ja Rhule said:

    Yea, I took covid test yesterday.  Rather be safe than sorry.

    How long ago did you start expressing symptoms? The test has a 40% false negative rate if you get it the first day you start seeing symptoms. I got it in early July (or at least I'm pretty sure I did); muscle aches, chills so bad I couldn't stop shaking, and then when my fever broke I slept for 20 hours straight. But I got tested the morning after I started feeling chills, and I came back negative.

    Point being, if you got it soon after you started seeing symptoms, be cautious even if it comes back negative.

    • Pie 2
  6. Europe is seeing a HUGE spike right now. Most countries the daily cases far exceed what we were seeing in the first wave. You better believe we're going to see that here. Plus it's looking like the strain of COVID people are getting now is different from the one in March, so people can absolutely be re-infected.

    This winter is shaping up to be a mess.

    Wear your mask.








    Great Britain





    • Pie 1
  7. 55 minutes ago, rippadonn said:

    The problem is when YOUR FEAR requires our Frontline Heroes to wear masks 8-10hrs a day which has proven to not be good for a humans immune system. THEY know that. They are now suffering FOR YOU.

    Stop it.

    JFC. Every time these anti-maskers fall back on the same old alpha-male BS. I've not heard a single argument against masks that didn't involve heavy utilization of phrases like "fear," or "cowering." As though you're immune to a virus if you're manly enough.

    We get it. You're a big alpha tough guy. You know what a real macho, macho man could do? Wear a mask and not whine about it like a little girl.

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  8. 15 minutes ago, stirs said:

    First time you've heard of Washington? 

    It's funny. I thought this guy was going to drain the swamp.

    Turns out he just made if contagious and airborne.

  9. 53 minutes ago, 45catfan said:

    That got me thinking on strains of viruses; I wonder how the scientific community is going to back and break down the seasonal flu deaths against the coronavirus deaths in retrospect?  I doubt it is even attempted to any real degree, I would be willing to bet they all will be COVID-19 deaths.  It's not like the seasonal flu just disappeared in February *poof* once Covid-19 became the main focus.  Yes, the seasonal flu causes tens of thousands of deaths every year in America.  Anyway, just a thought.

    The symptoms are different. The causes of death are different. There is testing to see which strain of virus you have. Doctor's and medical examiners aren't just randomly declaring causes of death based on the news.

    Again, you know nothing of epidemiology, and the fact that you can't comprehend medical science doesn't mean you've stumbled onto a massive conspiracy.

    Anyway, just a thought.

  10. 1 minute ago, 45catfan said:

    I still think NYC screwed it up for everyone. Also giving increased incentives to treat coronavirus patients, I think the system got scammed....BADLY.  You can't look at NYC death figures and then look at every other city/state and say it looks normal.  Just dismissing it because of their large population is being very short-sided.  I would like to say their incompetence was due to ignorance, but unfortunately it was more than likely malicious.  Washington State/Seattle never got that bad and they were ground zero for the virus.  Chicago, LA, Detroit, DC, Dallas, Miami...this list goes on and on, none of these large cities experienced the same rate of death, so large populations isn't the main factor here.   Greed and politicization is at the core or this.  I really hope De Blasio gets thrown in jail once exposed.   Cuomo is culpable too.


    Okay. I'm here to help you through this episode. Just follow my directions carefully.

    1. Take off your tinfoil hat

    2. Turn off OAN.

    3. Google "Population Density USA".

    4. Read.

    5. Reflect on your vast expertise in epidemiology.

    6. Realize you don't know wtf you're talking about.

    7. Shut up about things you don't know about.

    8. Never turn OAN back on. Ever.

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  11. 3 hours ago, stirs said:

    For them, it all depends on the election.

    If there is a D in the White House, one side will all of a sudden become pragmatic, the other side will suddenly start pointing out the administrations grievous mistakes.

    I like how you basically point out that your own political bias is the reason you assume it's political.

    • Flames 1
  12. 18 minutes ago, jasonluckydog said:

    I hate being an essential worker everyone I know is having fun cook outs, camping etc

     Not me just grinding. 

    I assure you, 6 million Americans would trade the cookouts for a paycheck right now.

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  13. 30 minutes ago, stirs said:

    No child on earth under the age of 15 has died because of virus according to press conference, yet schools are out

    This comment alone shows you are grossly unqualified to talk about anything going on regarding the pandemic.

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