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  1. Honestly, irrespective of Bryce, this is my hope for Canales. I hate hearing about him being a "QB whisperer." Because I don't give a rat's ass about him saving Bryce's career. Bryce either proves to be worth what we gave up for him, or it's next man up. I'm just excited to have a young, innovative offensive mind.
  2. The guy has a career 5.6 yard per carry average. That's just absurd! If he could only stay healthy, boy what a weapon he'll be.
  3. I don't know why but I'm more excited about Coker than I am about most of our draft class. I just think he can step in and be successful on our team right away. Smitty was talking in his video about him being successful if he goes to a team with the right scheme. Then talked about how with his shuttle drill speed he can step into the slot and win on timing and technique. And I was just flashing back to every JT O'Sullivan video where he was ragging on Thielen being so slow on his routes. And it occurred to me, Coker is younger, faster, twitchier Adam Thielen. So Coker is stepping onto a team that schemed around the WR1 having exactly his skill set. And arguably Coker can do it better at this point in Thielen's career. I really think he will be rostered, will suit up on game day and will contribute this year.
  4. Okay. Jon Snow's Ass - Tight End - Butte College 6th Round Pros: Great size. Excellent Receiver. Always near the balls. Hungry. Cons: Needs more time in the gym. Prone to spew poo on the field. Consensus: Good late round prospect, but cracks and holes in his game taint his possibility of going any earlier.
  5. I'm just thinking, because we've put so much into propping up Bryce and surrounding him with talent to make this a make or break year, that Bryce will suffer a season ending injury in the preseason or the first few weeks. Us getting stuck in "is he or isn't he?" limbo for another year is the most Panthers thing that could happen to us.
  6. B.S. Micah Parsons was on the board. We'd just lost Luke. That was the right pick and I'll die on that hill.
  7. I think that would be true. Except we'll always be reminded that we passed on Stroud. And we'll be reminded how our #1 was used on Caleb Williams. So depending on how well one or both of those two QBs do, the mockery is not going to end once we move on from Bryce.
  8. Falcons Fans taunting us on 4/27:
  9. If Milton is there in Round 6, grab him. He's basically the anti-Bryce-Young. Big. Powerful arm. But doesn't throw well on the move. Put him behind the monster line we're building and let him let that cannon loose. At the very least we could use him as our Hail Mary 60-yards through the air to the end-zone specialist. Alternatively, I'd take Tua's little brother Taulia from Maryland in 7 or UDFA. If we're building a system designed to prop up a smaller QB, Taulia could step in and bring a little more of a gun-slinger attitude to the backup position.
  10. I'd rather spend that money on Clowney.
  11. Bust and move on quickly. As much as I will hate the indignity of the Panthers simultaneously drafting the biggest bust of all time, and making arguably the worst trade of all time in one sweaty bowl movement, I can bear that. I can't bear us spending the better part of a decade trying to prop up something that's just not going to work. See: "Sunk Cost Fallacy." If Bryce shows us more of the same this year, then we'll be in a position to draft in the top 5 again. At that point, we'll need to just swallow that bitter, jagged pill and admit we fugged up catastrophically and move on. Just don't double down on the mistake.
  12. This. Fitt was an incredible dealer. I can't remember a GM we had that was so savvy working the phones. He seriously could take a fifth round pick and turn it into a third in a couple moves. Masterful. But he just could not translate those moves into successful players. All these incredible deals, and he produced absolutely dog poo out of them. I was initially onboard with keeping Fitt, but stripping all talent responsibilities away from him. Happy we've moved on. I'm likewise souring on analytics. This ain't Moneyball. You still need the old heads to look at a prospect and determine exactly how much dawg he's got in him.
  13. That's the thing. We're building for the future. With or without Bryce. We're building a team that we can insert a QB into next year. Maybe target a hot FA QB next off-season if Bryce fizzles. By then we ought to be a very desirable situation.
  14. I think you may be on to something here. His (welcome) absence from the limelight probably less about him intentionally taking a step back, and more about spending his time on other ventures. The Panthers are just a part of his portfolio. And right now, not a particularly profitable one.
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