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Posts posted by Captroop

  1. Just wanted to throw out a quick progress report; yesterday, I bought size 34 Levis jeans.


    I have been size 36x32 since my growth spurt in high school, with occasional flexing up to size 38 in the winter months. After more than 10 years of this, I honestly thought that no matter how much weight I lost, my waistline could never be smaller than a 36. I can't express in words how excited and happy I was the moment I was able to button those bad boys up! And it's only May! I'm gonna be in the best shape of my life this summer. Hope to flatten out my upper body with cardio, and then pack on some muscle in the weight room.


    My diet and exercise plan has been the following:

    • Soup or salad rather than a dinner-sized-portion for lunch.
    • The "Game of Thrones" plan: I got an HBO Go account, and have watched every second of Game of Thones while on the elliptical in the gym in my apartment building. It's great incentive to get my ass moving an hour a day.
    • Finally, my wife went vegan about a month ago, and it's so easy to avoid junk food when you aren't mutually enabling each other.

    Going just by weight, I thought I wasn't making much progress, as I've only lost about 10 pounds according to my scale. But the fact that I can now shop for pants at H&M speaks volume.

    • Pie 6
  2. Yeah but I'm 18 and listen to everything. Hell I listen alot to frank Sinatra. I'm just going with a song that's popular now that I think is good. For me rap is all about the beat and not so much as lyrics. I just want a song that gets me pumped up like blessings. Drake has a good song that's old called marvins room. Really good. Top 5 song in 2000's. Good beat and lyrics are meaningful. Good for you after a break up


    That's a fuggin tragic statement. I can't believe that what was once literally the single most important aspect of the genre has taken a back seat to something that can be done by Skrillex. Go listen to the Marshall Mathers LP (it blows my mind that you were 2 years old when it came out), Illmatic, Minstrel Show, and College Dropout.


    Like right now. Drop everything and go do it. 


    My goodness. That's literally a "kids these day!" moment for me.

    • Pie 3
  3. Example:

    Beyonce is bad, she needs to be quiet and just be hot.


    Rihanna is good, she needs to keep going what she's doing...   :)




    I would completely flip that statement around. Rihanna's voice is so bad you can literally hear the auto-tune struggling to correct it.


    I mean I hear her trying to hold that note in "Stay" and the whole time I'm just thinking, "Nooo! That auto-tuner was just 1 week away from retirement!"


    • Pie 1
  4. Every era has bad music. The reason old music seem better is because no one remembers the bad music from the 60s and the 70s; the 1% songs that are worth remembering are the ones that get air time on oldies/classic rock stations. And only about half of those are any good.


    I for one, am getting more nostalgic about the music in the 90s, and I realized that's because I've forgotten almost all of it, and the hundred 90s songs or so that I play on rotation are all that I remember, so it seems like a golden era. "Oh, man! The 90s had Oasis, and the GooGoo Dolls, and No Doubt, Eminem was blowing up, and fuggin Nirvana, man! 90s music was so much better!" Sometimes I forget that the 90s also produced Aqua and Sisqo.


    It's our job to weather the storm of modern bad music, and push the next generation to recognize good music moderns artists are putting out to ensure that the 99% of crappy music is gladly forgotten.


    Music isn't getting worse, you're just getting to be more discerning. Make sure the next generation learns to do likewise, so they can look back on their Bieber fandom and think to themselves, "Why the hell was I listening to this tripe?"

    • Pie 9
  5. That's bogus. What size condom you buy has nothing to do with your junk. I mean' it's been roundly proven that like 99% of guys don't hang enough dong that they require a Magnum vs. a standard condom. It's just totally a vanity thing. If anything it just proves that people in those states are the most vain and insecure.


    Oh, wait...I'm from the District of Columbia...






    Yeah, fug all that poo I just said. This is totally true! 

    • Pie 1
  6. scorpion would destroy the white ranger

    More than half of people disagree with you. That's why he won. The outcome is based in fan voting. And White Ranger has powers beyond a grapple and fire breath. He'd make Scorpion, Smoke, and Subzero his prison sissies. And what's Reptile gonna do? Spit sticky acid at a Zord?

    Although in the interest of full disclosure the voting was so close, they shot an alternate ending with scorpion winning. Both are epic:

    • Pie 3
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