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Posts posted by Captroop

  1. Truck had magnetic dealer tags. Shouldnt be to hard to find who did it.


    BTW, I just got a Dashboard cam for my birthday. From my Russian girlfriend's dad. Russians love their dashboard cams.


    Seriously though, this day in age, you need one.

    • Pie 2
  2. That's low you guys...  possibly true... but low...


    Don't take it personally. It's how I assume every heterosexual man will die.


    I been close this a number of times myself...especially when in a college town as the students are returning at the end of the summer.  sweet caroline!


    Case in point.

    • Pie 2
  3. I've predicted that our old buddy Biscuit will die when someone who wants him out of the way sends a hot female assassin carrying a big knife (and wearing an outfit with a low cut neckline) to kill him.


    While I'm sure he'll fight really hard for his life, at some point he'll catch a glimpse of her assets and get distracted. 


    And then the last thought that ever goes through his mind will be "Whoooa, nice ti-OWWW!!!" :unsure:



    Car accident while rubber-necking a stacked chick on the side of the road. Mark it down.

    • Pie 1
  4. have you ever been bitten in the shoulder, and have it cause you to fall down?

    Aren't you the least bit encouraged by the fact that for once someone who fell and writhed in pain in a soccer game was actually injured?




    BTW, on one hand I wish that video clip had a soundtrack. But on the other, there is no way it could possibly be more entertaining than the cartoonish Hanna-Barbera bite sound effect I hear in my head when I watch it.

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