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Posts posted by Captroop

  1. This is one of the few internet gems I've managed to avoid over the years.  I've never googled it  and never will.


    My spidey sense immediately started tingling when the image told me to Google something. I don't know what will happen if I Google "Blue Waffles," but somehow I am confident that I'm better off not knowing.

  2. l871AuB.gif


    Forget the Stanislavski method acting BS, if you're a film student or actor, watch this, because this is the essence of drama. The full range of emotions he experiences in those 5 seconds beats the hell out of 2.5 hours of the Daniel Plainview character from There Will Be Blood.

    • Pie 1
  3. This happened mid flight... part of a wing thorn off

    Posted Image

    Yeah, because the dumbass in that seat obviously left his phone on when they told everyone to turn off all electronic devices. See what happens?

    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using CarolinaHuddle mobile app

    • Pie 4
  4. Finished this morning while I was waiting for the snow to melt. I can't wait for season 3!


    And CarolinaCoolin, I thought you were a conservative. What the hell are you doing in Maryland? Come to DC, brother! Or NOVA if you're the under-30-with-dad's-Audi type.

  5. I'm on my phone but there were plenty of spoilers in this thread without the tag. But I didn't say much of anything really


    If you don't know how, or are unable to use spoiler tags, then here's a thought put a big *SPOILER* warning, or how about not broadcasting any spoilers.


    But yeah, you didn't really give much away. You just let on that one of the major characters for the last season and a half dies or meets some other fate and is irrevocably gone from the show. So I get to watch every episode waiting for that to transpire, and then being totally underwhelmed when it happens.

  6. On about Chapter 21. Love what they are doing this season. Every twist has been in the opposite direction of what I predicted. Following season 1, I felt they had set up a generic storyline that I could see playing out episode by episode. The show, in turn has completely rocked those expectations from episode 1, and I couldn't be happier! It's the best show not on TV (and could give the rest a run for their money).

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