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Posts posted by Captroop

  1. DAMN!!!




    Holy crap! That is horrifying. The best advice I ever got in drivers' ed was this, and it's so terrifyingly true:


    "You can be right, and dead. They aren't mutually exclusive."


    My friends laugh at me when I always buckle up, always look both ways at a green light, and always head check when I'm changing lanes. But I always have and I always will, because you can't control stuff like this. You can only stay out of it's way.

    • Pie 5
  2. 396128_363951950344203_1025141705_n.jpg


    This is a tough situation. My female cousin was a nurse for a quadriplegic boy who was about 16 at the time when she was in college. But apparently he wasn't a quintiplegic ifyoucatchmydrift. And I guess the physical contact from her was too much for a 16-year-old virgin to bear. It was obviously just a natural reaction for a pubescent male, but he also couldn't do anything about it. My cousin used to feel bad for him, and even on occasion thought about "helping him out."


    My cousin and I have been talking about this, and we considering the idea of either creating a sort of "medical masturbator" or hypothetically, specially trained nurses who do this kind of thing for people in these situations. Purely for medical reasons; prescription manual gratifiers. No house calls for a headache. If you can smoke weed for glaucoma, why can't you hire a hooker for paralysis? Because honestly, imagine if you had no working arms and working junk. It's a fate worse than death.

  3. Did I really need to spell out everything in my description? I figured I would leave that as a little surprise for those who took the time to click the link; like a little cream cheese inside of a chocolate cupcake.

  4. peoplecolors.jpg

    As an artist, I can honestly say I wouldn't mind a range of flesh colored pencils and markers, regardless of how racist the packaging is. Beats the hell out of spending 20 minutes picking the right $7 Copic marker that looks like flesh tone to me, coloring in a drawing I've spent 4 hours penciling and inking, and then leaning back and going, "God he looks pink."

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