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Posts posted by Captroop

  1. Our bed was made once we traded for #1 overall. That was a potentially franchise-killing trade.

    I was, and stand by advocating for staying with the guy in my avatar. We should have let him be our Rodney Peete. We should have rolled with mediocrity for one more year. Because of exactly the reasons we're seeing. Regardless of how much the board wouldn't shut up about it, a franchise QB wasn't our missing piece. We've had 7 starting QBs look terrible in a row. Eventually you'd start to think that QB wasn't the issue. The best QB in the draft was never going to, and indeed isn't going to save us. As much as I was, and still am convinced Stroud was the better pick, I must admit Stroud would have looked terrible here. And we'd be saying we fugged up by not paying attention to the S2 scores while Bryce lit it up in Houston. Fugging prime Tom Brady would look terrible here.

    We are a bad team with no talent. Our solution for that was trading away our talent and our ability to add new talent.

    We shoulda stayed at 9, and started to build the OL that has made every QB since 2015 Cam Newton look like garbage. Do you honestly think Dalton with DJ, Thielen and a shiny new #9 overall lineman would have a 1-10 record?

    And here's the kicker, even if he was worse, we'd still have #1 overall in the 2024 draft. And we'd still have DJ, a better line, and a better landing spot for Dalton's eventual replacement.

    • Pie 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Add CJ Beathard to the long list of QBs who look better than Bryce this year.

    Goes to show that WRs like Ridley and Chase are what are needed to succeed in the game right now. You can literally pluck a homeless guy from the bus station and he can lead a game winning drive as a QB. 

  3. I like how he plays all coy like, "Not me, but just generally a player can step in and be a coach." But he's literally wearing a hat that says "HC." If you think that's just a happy accident I got a bridge to sell you.


    Also, it was nice of Rich Eisen to let Greg film a job interview during his show. 

  4. I have a hard time calling the unfortunate guy who happened to rudder the worst team we've ever assembled our worst coach. To me, the worst coach is someone who squandered a talented roster or missed a window of opportunity. This team, this year had no chance of being successful, and failing to live up to even the low standards we should have expected is still hardly the most egregious crime. Frank will be out least memorable coach, but on the grading scale, I'm forced to give him an "I" for Incomplete.

    • Pie 2
    • Beer 1
  5. 1 minute ago, Jaxel said:

    If he gets us enough to not have the 1st overall pick he will automatically become a panthers legend.

    That really is our Super Bowl this year. Literally just not handing the Bears #1 overall.


    The issue is, unlike the Wilks situation, the problem here isn't just gross coaching incompetence and a team that's been demoralized by playing under a snake-oil windbag. We have absolutely no talent. A "Leader of Men" won't change that. 

    • Pie 4
  6. Trading CMC was the right move. For us he was a Lamborghini sitting in front of a mobile home. He was a luxury that puts a complete team over the edge. On the Panthers he would have just squandered what was left of his good years on a failure of a team. The results of the pick haul didn't pan out, but we needed to take that shot. And if you were a CMC fan at all you should be happy he's gone somewhere he can flourish rather than being run into the ground by a team that was not a game-changing running back away from being confused with a competent franchise.

    • Beer 2
  7. 1 hour ago, pantherclaw said:

    Greg would love to be the man to make the Panthers great.   I can see the lure for him. 

    This is why I can see it working. Greg is I think the most competitive player I've ever seen on the team. Maybe Smitty. But Greg DEMANDED the ball when the game was on the line. He is a guy who hates to lose more than he wants to win. I love the culture he would create in Carolina. 

    • Beer 1
  8. This is definitely the lowest. Our previous lows, we at least had the draft to look forward to.

    Knowing how little talent we have. Knowing that we've earned a 1st overall pick and don't even get to use it. Knowing that we have little hope of improving our team with the draft capital we have...

    I can't think of a time where we were lower, and I honestly couldn't see a pathway to improvement.

    We're at the lowest point, and I don't think we've hit rock bottom yet on our tumble down. That's the worst era in franchise history.

    • Pie 1
  9. 1 minute ago, Khyber53 said:

    You're going to be surprised by how long that list will be. It's not a matter of what state the franchise has been or who the owner is... there are only 32 head coaching jobs in the NFL and that puts each job in a very coveted position.

    Really. Tepper has probably gotten 20 resumes from agents already this morning. 

    Not only is the opportunity to become a HC a rarity, the financial gain from doing so is astounding. And even if they flame out, it adds massively to their future income if they move back down to the college level. Matt Rhule, as much as I dislike his coaching, is rolling in bucks right now.

    Me, I'm just hoping that after Fitterer is ditched, Tepper hires on some serious consultants to help him make the decisions for HC and GM. He may have made the decision now just simply to get first crack at hiring those experts, since we know that at the least Washington will be doing the same.


    You realize what a terrible argument this is, right?

    You're saying the only people we can attract are the people who are grateful because they wouldn't get a shot at a well run organization, or people who don't care how well they perform because they stand to make a lot of money either way 

    ... that's not a good thing. You see that, right?

  10. This all boils down the the #1 overall pick.

    The amount they gave up, that needed to be the undisputed greatest draft pick of all time. But as it turned out, we got Bryce...

    No draft, no roster. Reich and Fitt bet their professional careers on Young, and it didn't work out. So they have to be as well.

    The only thing that will help us heal is time. We're going to suck until we suck long enough to draft an actual game-changer with the #1 overall pick we've earned. And that is at least 2 years away.

    • Pie 3
  11. 2 hours ago, Martin said:

    The “nobody would like to come here if Frank is fired” is bs. Everyone will see that this year was a complete disaster and think to themselves that could do much better than that.

    Okay, play that out.

    "I'm sure I could do better. Sure, the owner won't let me pick my own QB, I have to play the undersized guy that they sold the farm to get. Which also means I don't get my own system, I have to install a system designed to prop this guy up. Also, I don't get a first round pick. Also I need an entire o-line. Also I need an entire WR corps. Also, from day 1, I'm already on the hot seat and have to start producing wins or they'll fire me after one year as well. But I'm SURE I could do better. It won't even take that much time! The last guy only got one year, so I'm sure I could turn this situation around in less than one year. No problemo!"

    Honestly, anyone who looks at our situation, and takes this job for anything other than a paycheck is so dumb that I immediately would question their sanity, much less their prospects as a successful head coach.


    If you fire Frank, the only reasonable option is to promote someone already on staff. This is a job and a situation that needs to be foisted onto someone. No one in their right mind voluntarily takes it unless it's literally the only hope they have of a HC job, and they're just grateful for a shot. And I don't want that guy.

    • Pie 1
  12. 10 hours ago, Mr. Scot said:
    If he fires Reich, no one will want that job. Unless he makes them a financial offer that no coach in his right mind could refuse, even if at that point no coach in his right mind should want to work for Tepper.

    Been saying this for a few weeks. We are, and should be stuck with Frank next year. We can't fire a first year head coach the year after firing the last coach mid-season and hope to attract any kind of head coaching candidate except for one that is looking to make a fat payday off Tepper on his way to retirement. 

    We simply have to give Frank a chance, not because he's the right choice but it's the only hope we have that our next HC won't be another setback. 

  13. Seriously though to put a positive spin on it, I'm thankful today that we're living in arguably the worst, and bleakest period in the team's history, with no hope on the immediate horizon. I'm thankful for better days ahead (statistically they have to be right?). That as turbulent as it is now, in the end, this too shall pass. And I'm thankful that if my psyche can endure this, I'll never have my fandom questioned. 

    • Pie 4
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