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Posts posted by Captroop

  1. Weighed in this morning: 207.6!


    Still a far piece from my goal weight of 190, but considering I started the year at 235 and in the worst shape of my life, I'll take it! Feeling good heading to the beach this weekend, and for the first time, 190 looks like a realistic goal. When I was about 215, I was thinking, "Jeez, this doesn't look like I need to lose 25 more pounds." But as the clothes fit better, I feel better, and I'm sweating less in the heat, I can see there is still room for improvement, so I'm gonna keep at it, and hopefully reach my goal weight before Summer is over.

    • Pie 4
  2. AC in our building went out yesterday (again. Welcome to DC). The weight room was 98 degrees, so I noped out.


    Think you guys could manage it? To me, that just seems like it would be taxing on your heart, and would dehydrate you and give you muscle injuries.

  3. StreetConception.jpg?width=500


    God do I hate selfies. It used to be you could just take a funny picture of something. Now you have to make sure half your face appears in the picture, you're holding up a peace sign (for some reason), and then you spend 20 minutes picking the right Instagram filter that's appropriate for ruining the last modicum of humor in your photo.


    Sigh... Oh well






    • Pie 2
  4. That's why I don't run either... it kills my knees.



    I've been getting up with the wife at 6AM everyday lately and walking two miles...  then hitting the gym in the evenings after work to lift and do some HIT cardio.


    Or you could move to Wilmington and hit the weights with me and Joscott.  We'll have veins popping out in no time.


    Hey, I might take you up on that. Might have to wait til the little woman is a mama first. Not sure she's ready to leave the big city.

    • Pie 1
  5. Could you take a laptop to your apartment gym?


    Ya know, I might just be able to do that. I'll dust off the old Cardio DVD and see if there is sufficient room down there. I guess I got spoiled in Arlington being able to do it in my apartment living room.

    • Pie 1
  6. Work on your diet and either get one of those programs like T25 or P90X or get into running/biking regularly.

    Never heard of T25. Will have to look into it. I would love to get back into P90X. I used to do it 6 days a week. The only issue now is a DC-Sized 1bd 1ba apartment :)


    I'm definitely working on the diet though. Eating very low-carb. Running I'm avoiding. I used to run daily, and did a couple halfs, but being 6'3" I'm worried what it's doing to my knees and back, especially in the long term. I think a regular bike routine is my best bet. Anyone have a good biking program they can recommend?


    Thanks for the feedback, as always Biscuit!

    • Pie 1
  7. My girlfriend and I just did a 4-day, 140-mil mountain biking trip up the C&O Canal Trail this past long weekend. Up til now, I had hit the gym occasionally, and I usually do the exercise bike every morning before work. But my workout routine is hardly "warrior" level.


    We've resolved to keep up the activity-level since our trip. I took yesterday off to recover, but I'm trying to find a routine to settle into now.  Any recommendations? And keep in mind, the goal is weight loss and definition, not max weight and bulk.

    • Pie 3
  8. Dear PhillyB, please try this and take pics.  ty




    I think that's probably very geographically specific. To wit:

    • South Beach - That's shooting fish in a barrel.
    • Virginia Beach - That sheet would have maybe 1 or 2 checks on it from tourists.
    • Venice Beach - Do fake knockers count? Could be zero, or about 358
    • Nice, France - You don't even need a t-shirt to fill that sheet 20 times over
    • Haulover Beach - 1 check, and the  blood spatter from where the guy gouged his eyes out
    • Pie 1

    Okay, everyone make a note of the date and time. PSC posted something in the thread that wasn't vomit-inducing or homoerotic.


    This information will be helpful in eventually finding his kidnapper.

  10. This is tough to watch:



    Why did she just leave her kid laying on the ground after the attack and run off while he was wounded?   I don't understand.


    But good for the cat!


    The video description reads like it was written by someone with Alzheimer's who just kept writing the same sentence over and over.



    Cat Saves Boy from Dog Attack. hero cat saves little boy from dog. watch the cat save boy from dog attacking him. from dog attack watch hero cat save this little boy from dog. dog attacks young boy but cat saves him. watch the cat rescue young boy from dog attack. dog bites boy but cat saves him. cat save lil boy from attacking dog (Warning: video shows dog cats saves boybriefly attacking boy's leg and the dog bites he received.) Home surveillance video showed how a little boy in Bakersfield, Indiana was saved by a cat. cats saves boy The mother shared the video with local news station 23ABC and described the events seen in the video. Her little boy was cat saves boy from bad dog attack playing on his bicycle when a dog snuck up on him and started attacking his leg. RELATED: Man Given One Day to Get Rid of Barking Dog The family cat, Tara, sprung into action and slammed into the dog, chasing it away. The video also shows the injuries the boy suffered and the stitches he needed to get as a result of them.


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  11. pictures_of_the_day_17.jpg


    I saw this image on Reddit.


    It wasn't funny then either.

    • The condom is named after the Trojan nation, not the Trojan horse itself
    • A trap door opened intentionally, it didn't break
    • Only a few dozen men were in it. Not "thousands," and also, hundreds of thousands to millions of sperm are in a dose
    • "fuged everyone's day up." Okay, that neither describes a pregnancy scare or a massacre of a city. Fail.

    Sorry for the rant, I just hate poor or broadly-drawn and vague analogies. Especially when they're supposed to be humorous.

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  12. This is one of the few internet gems I've managed to avoid over the years.  I've never googled it  and never will.


    My spidey sense immediately started tingling when the image told me to Google something. I don't know what will happen if I Google "Blue Waffles," but somehow I am confident that I'm better off not knowing.

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