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Everything posted by Zod

  1. Here are a few things worth mentioning about the Panthers upcoming Buffalo Bills opponent. Bills Safety Jaruis Byrd missed the Bills home opener last week due to injury. It looks like he may miss this week as well. Byrd suffers from Plantar Fascitis, an inflammatory foot condition that affects the heel. The bad news for Byrd is that in most chronic cases, this is a degenerative condition that may not heal. Byrd is also not happy about his fanchise tag, and could be jockeying for a trade. _______________________________ ESPN did an article on grading the Bills Cornerbacks Overall, they had very poor grades. Going from Seattle corner backs to Buffalo cornerbacks should be an advantageous one for the Panthers wideouts. Armanti Edwards and Domenik Hixon are both healthy and should see playing time. If there is a game where they can prove their worth, this is it. ________________________________ Buffalo News is concerned about the Bills third down efficiency... If the BIlls struggled on third down against against a weak Patriots defense, expect them to struggle even more against the Panthers. ________________________________ According to Buffalo News, EJ Manuel plans on throwing deep against the Panthers.. Panthers cornerback Josh Thomas had a poor showing against Seattle, but I do not expect that to happen two weeks in a row. Sunday's game is a homecoming for Thomas, who attended university at Buffalo. Thomas will bring his A game, no player wants to perform poorly in his college town. Click here to view the article
  2. Longest amount of time waited before taking a crap after eating 40 ultra spicy wings.
  3. I propose a Huddle Buffalo Wing Eating Contest!
  4. Wasn't it midtown sundries off harris that had quarter wings? They were damn good too.
  5. I know this sensitive subject would not stay civil for long.
  6. Lancaster BBQ off of Beaties Ford has decent wings if memory serves
  7. You better hope Panthro doesn't see this.
  8. Buffalo Wings. You love em, I love em. In honor of this week's Panthers game against the Buffalo Bills, I pose to you this question... Who serves the best buffalo wings in the Charlotte area? GO! Click here to view the article
  9. Show me one game in NFL history where teams are happy to tire out an offense by keeping them on the field.
  10. Considering they were on the field for most of the second half, its a wonder they were able to run at all.
  11. Well, we almost got half of that. My bad, thats good enough. Theres always next week.
  12. I have a bad feeling that its not going to change. Shula has always been knocked for not getting plays in quickly, taking too much time to call them. Hopefully it was just a one game thing, opening day jitters. We need to speed things up.
  13. John Fox used to say to make the playoffs you win your home games and a few away games. But you MUST win your home games. I don't care who we are playing, if we are at home we should win. All this "Oh its ok at least we lost to a good team" crap has to change in our fan base. It shows on gamedays in the stands.
  14. Makes me wonder how good our running game would look in the 4th quarter if we tired the defense out a bit more throughout the game.
  15. Yes, this article is bat shit crazy. Or... you are being overly dramatic. not sure which.
  16. Credit the Seahawks defense for the 30 yards in penalties that put the Panthers there in the first place. If not for their screw ups, it would have been a punt.
  17. The seahawks had plenty of drops as well, but their offense was able to attack and overcome them. Funny how that works.
  18. This is a common misconception people have. The execution yesterday was just about what every team has on every sunday. No team completes every pass or plays mistake free football. All teams fumble the ball. The difference is, their offensive gameplan is such that it overcomes these issues and puts points on the board. Cam had a good QBR. D-Will's YPC was good. As a whole, the execution was fine. The strategy was not going to score us many points, that is the problem.
  19. On paper, the Panthers offense against the Seahawks looks almost palatable. Cam Newton threw with good accuracy, no interceptions, and a touchdown. Deangelo Williams averaged 4.75 yards per carry. If you read those statistics without watching the game you might assume the Panthers won the game. The fact that the offense put together only 7 points has many people, myself included, scratching our heads. I can best explain what I believe the Panthers offense was doing in boxing terms. Keep moving and throw lots of short jabs. Protect yourself from a devastating blow. Don't wind up for a knockout punch, it may backfire. Let the match play out and hope you kept it close enough for a judges decision. This is the type of offense that Panthers offensive coordinator is known for. An offense that drives fans crazy, but defensive head coaches enjoy. Tony Dungy liked it in Tampa. Apparently Ron Rivera likes it here. These coaches relish the opportunity for defenses to win games. However, the Panthers in game 1 took it too far in the conservative direction. Here are three simple ways to improve on offense that can easily be implemented. 1. Let Cam be Cam. Cam Newton is a talent that should not be wasted like his name is Dilfer. One of Cam's strengths is the accuracy of his long ball. It makes no sense to acquire Tedd Ginn, who was open for the long ball yesterday, and not throw it to him. Even if incomplete a long pass play helps our offense by forcing the safeties to drop back in coverage and giving the short game more room to work. If you don't threaten deep, you may complete passes, but you won't go anywhere. Cam Newton's career low passing yards against the Seahawks are an indication that this is the case. 2. Keep them guessing. Third downs yesterday were extremely predictable, especially in short yardage situations. Shula has a history of this. I commented in the preseason that fans should get used to seeing a run up the gut on third downs. The Panthers need to add a variety of options on third down. A QB keeper after a play fake, a short slant to Smith, a pitch to the outside, anything but run up the gut. It is a safe bet that defensive coordinators have scouted Shula's Tampa days, if yesterday's game is any indication, they have done so for good reason. His tendencies have not changed. 3. Speed it up. I don't recall one play yesterday where the Seahawk defense was rushed or needed more time to get set up correctly. This happened numerous times to the Panthers defense. Going into a hurry up mode or even a no huddle unexpectedly would be a nice left hook to the chin. 4. Impose your will. This is not a X's and O's type of solution, but more of a mind set. Taking what the defense gives you is safe, but often it is not good enough. Afterall, they are giving it to you for a reason. You are falling into their game plan trap. Instead, attack them where they feel they are safe. In boxing terms, this knocks them back on their heels and makes them question their strategy. Winning offenses attack aggressively, losing offenses settle passively. Click here to view the article
  20. I only noticed because I was taking pics of him at the time. His eyes stayed forward the entire play, which is unusual in man coverage.
  21. Luke had a key mistake late in the game where Seattle needed a first down to put the game away. In Man defense he kept his eyes on Wilson, instead of the receiver he was covering. The receiver got free and made the play across the middle. You live and you learn.
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