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Kevin Greene

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Everything posted by Kevin Greene

  1. As my Sig said when we had them: "Oline? Who needs an Oline?" .
  2. The stack of cups at the coffee machine. I take the middle one.
  3. Hate the RB core as long as Stewart is propped up as a 16 game starter. Artis-Payne must ride to the rescue. Oline is still a huge question mark. DB core could use some help.
  4. ​You'll recall the Panthers went 12-4 that year. You can project a minor skirmish today has season long ramifications if you like but bottom line it doesn't. Unless of course you want to blame Delhomme's 5 turnovers on Smitty's training camp blow. By all means, carry on.
  5. Lolz. Oh no, the Patriots have camp fights. Then win the fricking Super Bowl. https://www.bostonglobe.com/sports/2014/07/30/tempers-flare-patriots-training-camp/N9ikGf0vLagpco1DwYK6XP/story.html# Undisciplined @holes..
  6. ​There is the irrational Lebron defending. The fact is Lebron took the shots and the "best player in the NBA" sucked for an entire Finals series.
  7. ​He averaged 35 shot attempts per game. Shot makes was ~ 40% Shot his team right out of the Finals. He averaged 36 points on 35 attempts. Best in the NBA!
  8. ​I saw Lebrick got a lot of assists. Imagine if he passed the ball more and didn't shoot his team straight out of the Finals.
  9. Congrats to the Warriors. My Lakers will be coming for you soon.
  10. Has any "Great Player" ever played so poorly through an entire NBA Finals Series? Lebrick shot 47,31.41. 31 and 44 percent through 5 Finals games and tonight threw up a pathetic 13 of 33 effort. Oh Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosch, please come and save me as I wilt under pressure.
  11. ​Pretty sad when a guy shooting 40% can be a lock for MVP. Pretty piss poor finals.
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