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Posts posted by Tbe

  1. 3 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    It's nearly twice as big as anything I'd ever consider. I don't want anything over 2500 square feet. Don't want to clean it, maintain it, etc. Don't need it.

    The closer to uptown you buy, the better your return will be. For 500k, you can get a 2500sq townhouse in south end. That area seems to be appreciating the fastest.

  2. 7 hours ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    I can buy an actual fuging mansion in Charlotte for what I'm selling my 3 bed, 2 bath 2000sqft house for.


    That house is definitely in the far outskirts of Charlotte, but it’s in a nice area. The owner of that house would have a long drive to get to anything worth doing.

    Perspectives are interesting though. I would never consider that house to be a mansion. It’s all in what a person is used to.

    • Pie 1
  3. 22 minutes ago, Happy Panther said:

    Rich people first silly

    1. Politicians and their families and staffers

    2. Celebrities

    3. The very wealthy

    4. Hospital executives

    5. Medical personal.

    6. People with insurance

    7. everyone else

    It will be easy to get since so many people think it is too risky/used by Bill gates to implant microchips.

    • Pie 5
  4. 7 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Trump is threatening to pull the Republican National Convention out of NC because he wants assurance he can have a full arena.


    Sports are likely to be played this fall without fans, but this guy wants a full arena of his supporters to massage his own ego no matter what.

    Yeah, let’s spike Charlotte’s infected total. A packed arena of 15k yelling people who just got off planes. What can go wrong? 


    • Pie 1
  5. 1 hour ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    History major here. Do you honestly think that is an accurate portrayal of how society as a whole reacted? Because, wow... it's wildly inaccurate.

    Woah...flex check.

    You don’t think there are a lot of parallels with the way people react? 



  6. 8 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    The entire globe implemented extraordinary measures to curb this pandemic and it has still infected 5.5M people killing 350k on half of a cold/flu season despite those extraordinary measures.

    Some people see this as "proof" that this was nothing to worry about all along.

    I swear to god if we continue to devolve intellectually at this pace our grand children will have to rediscover fire.

    Read about how people reacted to the Black Plague. It’s all the same. People don’t change. This is predictable.

    This pandemic will end like all others. People will start to ignore it long before it really goes away. 

    • Pie 1
  7. 17 minutes ago, Paa Langfart said:

    Maybe they ought to test it in a place like NC where the rates of infection are rising rapidly.

    We don’t really know what’s happening yet. Phase 2 just started yesterday. The higher “infection rate” mostly comes from the state exceeding its testing targets. More testing = more know infections. Before the lock downs, very few tests were being done. Our ‘estimated death total’ was revised down by 40% last week.

    NC’s positive test rate continues to fall.

    The number of Covid hospitalizations are rising some, but it’s hardly a spike. We won’t know the effects of easing restrictions for another two weeks.

    Remember, lock downs were not implemented to eradicate the virus. It was just to ease the burden on hospitals.


  8. Well...that’s a problem.

    The Oxford University team in charge of developing a coronavirus vaccine said a decline in the infection rate will make it increasingly difficult to prove whether it’s been successful, the Telegraph reported.

    “It’s a race against the virus disappearing, and against time,” Professor Adrian Hill, director of the university’s Jenner Institute, told the newspaper. “We said earlier in the year that there was an 80% chance of developing an effective vaccine by September. But at the moment, there’s a 50% chance that we get no result at all.”



  9. 15 minutes ago, 332nd said:

    I couldn't list all of the things my dad taught me that saved my ass if you gave me to the end of the month, but number one would be when I first started my business & he told me "You aren't ready to live off of of your business until you have enough saved to survive 3-6 months of rainy days without sweating."

    Granted, this thing as shown that not that many people did so, but still.

    I had a business until about 6 years ago. Before I went full time with it, I set aside 1 year of living expenses. It saved my ass several years later.

    Many industries don’t have the margins to do that for their entire company though. 

    • Pie 1
  10. 7 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Too bad we have a bunch of people trying to politicize wearing masks equating them to "muzzles". WTF...

    Yeah, I’ve seen some of that recently. I wouldn’t mind it if masks prevented the wearer from getting it vs keeping someone from spreading it (what it really does). I’m hoping this data makes the rounds and governors and businesses start requiring it.

    I know, if given the choice, I would much rather wear a mask than have another lock down. 

    • Pie 1
  11. 32 minutes ago, SmokinwithWilly said:

    Of course there will be a second wave. There's no way to stop it. Quarantine can't last forever and if it's anything there like it is here, social distancing is an absolute joke. 

    Without a vaccine, nearly everyone in the world is going to be exposed and to think otherwise is foolish IMO. Just try and even the spread so hospitals aren't overwhelmed.

    According to recent studies (and what happened in Hong Kong), if everyone wears a mask we can greatly reduce the infection rate.



  12. Yay us!


    New modeling from a group of researchers at the University of Washington has significantly cut the number of COVID-19 deaths expected in North Carolina through August.

    Projections from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation now forecast more than 2,500 deaths from the disease through Aug. 4. That's down about 40 percent from the group's projection last week of 4,400 deaths.

    North Carolina saw one of the largest decreases in the forecast compared to other states. Arizona's forecast, on the other hand, increased by more than 3,000.

    But they wrote they also expected to see a bigger jump in cases due to rising mobility – a signal that people are social distancing less.

    "Yet such a surge has yet to materialize, suggesting that increases in human mobility alone may not fully capture risk of transmission," researchers wrote.

    The group is now trying to figure out how to incorporate other social distancing factors, like mask usage consistent with CDC recommendations, into the model.

    • Pie 1
  13. States should just do drive in voting. Get your ballot in the mail, fill it out, drive to your polling station, present your ID and voter form through your car window, drive away. 

    • Beer 2
  14. 17 minutes ago, Devil Doc said:

    I get that. However, don't people in China already wear mask? And they were they not wearing them before the pandemic? It still spread in China. 

    Is it universal in China? I don’t know. I do know Hong Kong is one of the densest cities on earth and they are doing well. They are doing something right.

  15. 1 hour ago, electro's horse said:

    like what in the fug is wrong with people like you Tbe. Tens of thousands of various healthcare personnel are risking their lives every single day fighting his mysterious virus that no one knows anything about. Literally ALL of the smartest epidemiologists and virologists are screaming how bad this is going to get if we don't take aggressive shutdown measures. And you're just spreading lies and bullshit for what reason? So you can get back to your meaningless, boring, pitiful little life? So you can sit at a bar with a bunch of other limp dick Trump voters and bitch about Obama?

    So you can keep pretending you're the protagonist of your own life story and all of history has led to you? 

    The right wing response has generally been driven out of normalcy bias, greed, and white people being told to do something for the first time in their lives. Also the usual right wing mega donors funding protests but that's just baked in to our society at this point. 

    I think the fatalism you see from a lot of people is just performative. Most of these protestors are the same "survivalist" fetishists who love to brag about surviving a societal shut down and they made it about 10 days. 

    I think the main thing we've learned from all of this is the next time a pandemic strikes, the reaction has to be immediate, it has to be federal, and it has to involve the national guard. 

    Buddy, calm down. The thing I read was from one of the big UK papers. They were quoting an official from the WHO.

    I know the WHO has been full of poo on some things, but I just thought it was interesting. They said many of these kids were testing negative for Covid. I can’t find the link, but I’ll keep searching.

    Also, I haven’t voted for a republican in 20 years.

  16. 6 hours ago, Ja Rhule said:

    .  Now COVID19 is mutating and begun causing Kawasaki like disease in little kids

    Actually, now docs don’t believe that issue is caused by Covid. I’ll find the link, but basically they found that a number of kids with this disorder tested negative for Covid and Covid antibodies. They think this is the same autoimmune disorder (not Kawasaki) that has been around a long time and routinely impacts a small percentage of kids every year.  

    If you’re wondering why the news isn’t reporting on this anymore, this is why. 

  17. 2 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    I'm not saying keep everything locked down. But avoiding crowds? Absolutely. Wearing masks when in public? Yeah. Making an effort to maintain social distancing when and where possible? Yeah. 


    I was called delusional yesterday for basically saying this same thing. 

    We can keep these types of practices in place while also opening a lot of businesses. Yes, bars and restaurants are screwed, but we can let other people get back to work.

    • Pie 2
  18. Just now, TheRumGone said:

    it's not one person. it's millions of people. 

    Ok? Keeping things shut down helps millions of people but also hurts millions of people. 

    There is no perfect solution. 

  19. 20 minutes ago, TheRumGone said:

    that's fine but like i said my friend is being forced back into work or he will be fired. they know his situation. how do you stop that from happening when state governments are reopening. 


    You don’t. There is no win win. Life is not always easy or fair. Keeping things shut down to help one person seriously hurts another. 

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