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  1. The Panthers will reach for one when the time is right. They refuse to take them when they fall to their pick in the draft.
  2. Can we just rehire Hurney for our first round picks. It feels like we've wasted our best picks since he's been gone. How can we build a team when our first and second round picks never make an impact.
  3. You can't tell me that Thielen didn't fug his girl.
  4. To be honest, I just liked that he looked like he wanted to be out there playing football again. The first two weeks he seemed as if he didn't want to be on the field. Yesterday however, he was smiling and looked focused. When he ran for a first down and landed flat on his face, he sprung up smiling.
  5. Don't want him, and I have no idea how he was ever drafted in the first round, but I guess Gettleman was that stupid.
  6. Ripping his jersey off but damn XL has to be stronger than that.
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