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Captain Obvious

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Everything posted by Captain Obvious

  1. whether Benjamin was a part of this team since he is on IR...... basically measuring e penises I think.
  2. Twitter handle @JaredAllen69 If you tweet welcome him.
  3. truthfully I have no idea who those guys you listed are. never heard of them. I'm sure they suck as bad as Bersin.
  4. I don't care the result. I have turned the corner on Rivera. Time for a change next year.
  5. none of them are on our team or any other team for that matter. for a reason I'm sure.
  6. these muther fugging goons that are frefs can kiss my ass
  7. CUT EALY NOW I take it back. His hand wasn't near his face.
  8. can we just tear up the read option play and burn the damn thiing
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