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Carolina Cajun

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Posts posted by Carolina Cajun

  1. Yep.  Russell Wilson is the luckiest athlete I can ever recall.  Dude pulls off more insanely lucky plays than anyone I've ever seen.  hell, the play right before the INT was sheer luck.  Perfect pass breakup, WR falls, ball lands right in his lap.  Seriously, dafuq is that?  Seems like that type of lucky BS happens with RW all the time.  Then, he throws a back breaking, Super Bowl losing INT and not one mention of the fact that the ball was poorly placed high and inside on a quick slant.  If that ball is put into the WR's body like you want on that route, it's an incomplete pass at worse, likely defensive pass interference.  But, once again, Wilson lucks out and all the ruckus is about the play call.  Sure, the play call sucked, but if the ball was thrown properly, it WAS a relatively safe play.  Still dumb as fug not to just give the ball to Lynch.


    I've said just that.  Credit to Butler for making a great play and flat out jumping the route, but there was no reason for him to lead the receiver, it's not like he needed a run after the catch.  Wilson, if anything, was the worst part of the play.  Seattle had the personnell matchup in their favor, and like I've said, a pass was not the worst play call in the world considering IF they have to run 3 plays from the 1, 1 would have to be a pass, why not then when the matchup favored them and open the playbook the next 2 plays.  Wilson never looked at any other receiver and the pass was not good.  IMO, he cost them the game. 

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  2. I honestly think that 1,2, and 4 need to happen for it to be an option.  If he plays for league min, he'd essentially be giving money back because lets even say on the low side he'd get 5-6 mil on the open market, thats 4-5 mil essentially given back to the team.  I don't think he will be back, because I see zero chance that he plays for the league min, we shall see though.

  3. Also, a name to add to this list will be Anthony Collins.  We showed interest in him last offseason and he is almost assuredly going to be cut by the Bucs.  After his atrocious play with the bucs last year, he will definitely will not be getting the money he got last offseason meaning he will be in play in our price range.  I wouldn't rule him out as an option, at his worst he's still an improvement over Bell, and he has the upside to be a very good LT.


    As for Receivers I know Shorts isn't the sexy name, but I think he's a legit #2 who can compliment KB in a huge way.  They both do different things, but Shorts has been a good receiver when healthy on a bad Jags team with atrocious QB play, I'd like to see what he can do with a Legit QB throwing to him.

  4. Anger isn't the right word.  I knew this game was over in the 3rd unfortunately.  If we can't beat the Cards, no way we win anything this year.  No one say a goddamn word about the P word, we're not reeling off 12 straight, we're not doing poo.  We are yet again, the joke of the NFL.  Please fire Rivera.  I'm angry, but , apathy is setting in, I just don't give a fug.  Time to do some yardwork on sundays.

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  5. I'm very surprised by the Tauren Poole cut... hopefully we can stash him for another year on the practice squad. I liked what I saw out of him more than what I saw from Smith.

    Surprised about White. He never really stood out to me. I wonder what that means for Dockery.


    Quietly, he had the 2nd most tackles for the panthers in preseason and was never really out of position, which is more than you can ever really hope for from UDFA's.  I honestly thought he was a year away from making the active roster, but it's great to see he proved me wrong.  He'll be a great project for the panthers and he'll get some valuable experience this season.

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  6. I've met and I watched him through college and I honestly couldn't be more proud of him, now he can sit back and watch his alma mater beat Arkansas today.  What a lot of people don't know is that his alma mater is responsible for multiple NFL level DB's in Ike Taylor, Michael Adams, CC Brown, Dwight Bentley, and the best of all, Peanut Tillman.  Good luck Melvin, Geaux Cajuns and Keep Pounding!

    I just cried a few man tears, got a direct message from MJ White thanking me for believing in him.


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