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Posts posted by 45catfan

  1. 12 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Continue your obsession then. Just don't pretend to be a reasonable, rational, and intelligent person. You're not interested in truthful information. You're just interested in narratives that fit your chosen worldviews and anyone who disagrees is wrong and so is their data.  Tuning out major network media is not the same as being ignorant. Honestly, you're probably better off being ignorant than you are constantly slurping down information that reinforces your preexisting confirmation biases.

    Classic projection, lol!  Textbook.  You are not an Independent.  At least drop the facade.  Compared to the openly unabashed socialist moderators here on the Huddle, I guess you may be considered in the middle.  Continue the echo chamber, please.  

    Oh, I bet you didn't even bother to look up the epidemiology Dr. at Yale (Dr. Risch), did you?  Why? You knew it was probably going to run contrary to what you ALREADY think.  Why did I not post the link?  Well, we have already gone over that haven't we? 

    Look it up or don't, it makes zero difference to me.  I'm not here to change your mind, nor do I care to. 

  2. 11 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    You call me a lost cause and yet here you are just continuing to harp about the media. I don't want to talk about the media. I don't care about their stance on this or anything else for that matter. I don't pay attention to it. I suggest you should too. It seems as if it's causing a borderline obsession issue with you.

    This is what I mean when I talk about political desperation. You believe so strongly that certain outlets are deeply incorrect and/or intentionally misleading that you're fully willing to buy into anything to the contrary, regardless of how idiotic the premise may be. It's confirmation bias to the extreme playing out in real time. Turn the stuff off. Tune it out. 

    Sorry, I won't tune it out or turn it off.  Staying informed is extremely important.  Being ignorant on a subject is just as bad as willingly accept being lied to.  I refuse both.  This is the very tact of the left.  You either eat the MSM narrative up with a spoon or being so partisan and off-putting, that people just disengage all together.  Either way, it's a win-win for them.  That's why they shout down, discredit and completely dismiss any other outlet.  

    • Pie 1
  3. So this is how this goes down...intentionally.  The MSM won't cover things that run contrary to the leftist talking points.  Then other venues for news materialize.  They are "right-wing" sites and left-wingers won't discuss, just besmirch and discredit.  So the fanboys in the MSM won't cover issues contrary to the DNC, BUT news from other sites that aren't MSM is right-wing garbage.  See how this works?  It's not rocket science.

  4. 2 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Sorry man, going down conspiracy theory rabbit holes out of political desperation is the opposite of being a nuanced and independent thinker.

    I've said over and over in this thread that I do no watch any major network news. It's all heavily biased trash.

    The lock downs did work. Our curve was flattening. When we opened up too early and too recklessly that's when things skyrocketed again. It's not a surprise it's been worse in red states where the predominant messaging is that this is all a hoax and people were much less likely to take precautionary measures. These aren't theories or my personal opinions, it's what the data shows. No one has claimed that masks are 100% effective. They're not. But the data is very strong that they greatly reduce the spread of respiratory viruses like this one. This isn't new or even remotely controversial information.

    Stop being a fuging moron while thinking you're outsmarting people.

    You are a lost cause dude, so stop shilling as an Independent.  Masks are better than therapeutics, I guess?  Keep making this a singular shiny object issue.  I guess the head of the Yale school of Epidemiology is a political hack, right?  I could tell you to go *blank* yourself too, but I'm bigger than that.  Laughable.

    • Pie 1
  5. 7 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Actual medical professionals aren't the media. I can't understand how you and some others can't comprehend this.

    What you guys are doing is the equivalent of talking trash during a football game when you're getting blown out 40 to nothing. The scoreboard doesn't lie. We're doing a terrible job compared to the rest of the developed world.

    You are not simple minded, so stop acting like it.  Lock downs DO NOT WORK, mask wearing SLOWS the spread.  We need therapeutics and/or a vaccine.  This whole idea if people wear a mask, this will stop is simpleton talk.  I am NOT ANTI MASK!  However, I recognize their limitations.  You claim to be an Independent, but you sure do parrot the left wing talking points.   Maybe open your mind to consider news that isn't MSM.  Again, faith in MSM is fading more by the day and that's because they are so trustworthy, right?  The left-wingers on this site have political ends, so I overlook their nonsense.  So yeah, they are going to immediately crap on any source that runs contrary to their narrative.  Typical.

  6. 15 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Some of y'all dumb as fug. For real.

    Sitting here trying to act like we're doing something right and mitigation efforts don't work when somehow the rest of the developed world has done a MUCH better job than we have.

    We could be doing better, but we are putting profit and politics over lives.  When 51% of the deaths could have been averted, that's an abomination.   Why?   That treatment isn't as profitable as NEW treatments and greatly diminishing the pandemic before November wouldn't meet certain political ends.

  7. Twitter censoring Covid-19 advise that runs contrary to what Dr. Fauci and the other government agencies say.  Freedom of speech is fading fast folks.   So Twitter can now say which doctors are creditable or not, because apparently they are medical experts themselves.

  8. 2 minutes ago, stirs said:

    Just all the wave talk.

    Wave this, wave that, I think people are just parroting all the wave stuff

    What I was figuring, but was just wondering if you were foreshadowing the damns breaking.  I'm not sure how much of global news you keep up with.

  9. Just now, The NFL Shield At Midfield said:

    You made a bad argument and just need to own it.  Yeah I'm going to go out on a crazy limb and say if everybody wore a mask in public it would slow the spread of the virus and possibly allow some normal activities to resume.

    The people who made this a divisive, political issue are squarely in your corner of the political spectrum by the way.

    LOl!  Nah man, I'm good. Mask slow, not stop just like Hong Kong experienced as it resurfaced again. Keep following the piper.  Most of America has resumed, FYI.  



  10. 3 minutes ago, The NFL Shield At Midfield said:

    For reference Miami-Dade county has about 2.7 million people and reported almost 3000 new cases yesterday.  Using a city as dense as Hong Kong and saying that it's proof that masks don't help because they recorded a "spike" of 145 cases makes the exact opposite point you think it does.

    It's also entirely possible that they're experiencing their second wave now, which is something that everyone said was going to happen anyway.  We're still rolling along in wave 1 here.

    Does Miami-Dade not have a mask mandate?  I will look, but going off memory, I thought they one in place.  Shiny object continued.

  11. 30 minutes ago, The NFL Shield At Midfield said:

    145 new cases in a city of 7.5 million people would barely even register as background noise in the US.  That article just illustrates how much more seriously a place like Hong Kong is taking this than we are here in Trumpland.  HK is one of the most densely populated cities on the planet and it's impossible to prevent all transmission in a place like that no matter what you do.

    Nobody said that masks are magic, nobody said that they stop 100% of infections, quit making poo up and projecting.  You're the only one spinning here.  Why are you so damn triggered by a piece of cloth.

    It's newly resurfaced...for a THIRD time, dude. It needs time to spread.  They wear masks, have worn masks and will continue to wear masks.  It hasn't gone away.  Again, an attempt to keep this singular, divisive issue and ignore the big picture.  Follow the shiny object and not look any deeper.  Masks HELP, but that's not the end all.  So we can go back and forth all day, but I already know the deal.  

  12. Magical masks are still not stopping COVID-19.  Hong Kong is experiencing a uptick new cases.  Did they stop wearing masks?  No?  Why then is this happening?  Spin away folks, it's what you do best.  Masks are just one small defensive measure.  There are so many, many ,many layers to this issue, mostly being political and about profits, but sure let's keep this about a singular issue, mask wearing.   This is being exposed more by the day.  At some point the MSM won't be able to keep a lid on it anymore.

    New Uptick in Hong Kong as Fear of Third Wave

  13. 16 minutes ago, stirs said:

    Europe realizing that keeping the old folks isolated would have been the best idea from the beginning.

    We talked about this about 400 pages ago.  Hindsight will always tell you what is best

    Most of the world still using available therapeutics while Americans are told to wear a mask and cross your fingers until a vaccine is developed.

  14. 32 minutes ago, stirs said:

    I employ sarcasm on occasion, fyi

    I realize that, but your sarcasm actually hit the nail on the head.  I wasn't bashing you, merely pointing some folks actually think this way.

  15. 55 minutes ago, stirs said:

    There won't be history books by then.

    Every parent will just sign up for the digital version of history they'd like their kid to learn and it will be downloaded to their "code".

    There it is.  There are no versions.  There is only one, actually history.  The whole idea of 'history goes to the victors' is crap.  Just a cover to manipulate history to those in power to fit a narrative.  Now, those who don't know their history is doomed to repeat it.  That much is true.  Our problem is the younger generations don't know their history outside of what they see on TicTok, Twitter, Facebook and Google (without sourcing). Completely accurate and unbiased, of course!

    • Pie 1
  16. 3 hours ago, Inimicus said:


    You sir, are a verified idiot.

    You and rippadonn are legitimate threats to the future of this country and civilization as a whole.

    You sir, are an ignorant moron.

    Being completely clueless is the very the reason civilization currently going to crap.  

    See, I can do personal attacks too.

  17. 1 minute ago, CRA said:

    well, we aren't openly sharing with the world.   

    I mean we are in a global pandemic.  Handling it poorly.  And we just withdrew from the World Health Org. 

    The WHO that botched this from word go and then covered for the CCP?  That WHO?  You people are some self loathing basket cases.  Hell, give it a few years history will be rewritten that America created COVID-19 and had a cure the whole time, but was attempting global genocide.  

  18. 1 minute ago, Wes21 said:

    We are supposed to be sharing, yes.  This is not a normal situation, this is a global pandemic.

    Okay, I'm done.  Espionage and intellectual property theft is okay in a pandemic.

  19. 10 minutes ago, Wes21 said:

    Why are we hiding data that we should be working with the rest of the world on?

    Propriety work, man.  Also, nothing has been approved yet.  The best I know a couple of candidates have hit phase 3 of trials.  So we share vaccines that have not been proven effective yet?  If and when they get FDA approval, we will share it.    

    Chinese hackers charged stealing coronavirus research

  20. 3 minutes ago, Wes21 said:

    We are talking about a virus that the entire world should be working together to beat.  Hacking into databases and such is bad.  But I'm still trying to wrap my head around how them getting and improving on something COVID related would be a bad thing, and why we would be hiding it from them to begin with.

    Do you think if they found a successful vaccine based from data they stole, they would actual share it?  This is the same county that hoarded PPE in the early days of the pandemic.  Good global neighbors, right?  

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