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Everything posted by Wes21

  1. I just wish each country was apples to apples, so we could really compare what's going on. You have a few countries flat out lying about their cases and deaths they are reporting, but just importantly you have countries who are barely testing. Its like the countries who are testing the most and reporting accurately are being viewed as the bad guys in all of this, when it should be the other way around.
  2. That's similar to how data is looking all over the world. But what they do is stretch the age groups. Let's say randomly that 20% of the people dying are between 40-50. They are taking that 40-50 range and going all the way down and making it 25-50 or something ridiculous like that, then listing 20% next to it and trying to sell the narrative that 20% of the people dying "are as young as 25 years old." Its all in an effort to try to convince people that the data is different than it is. Its deceitful and disgusting.
  3. I pointed that out a while ago. Its part of the misinformation they are trying to distribute. They stretch the age ranges to make things appear different than they really are. The death count by age group is even more deceiving in the way they present it.
  4. Its incredible. A doctor comes up with a theory and throws it out there. Then when people read "doctor" they take it as a concrete fact and run with it, and lash out at anyone who questions it. "Its from a doctor! Why do you hate science!" LOL
  5. I never said masks do nothing. I'm saying some people are completely overestimating what a mask...or more accurately here in America a "face covering," is actually doing. Your post is what's wrong with this situation. People want to be all or nothing on everything. If I don't fully agree with you, it means I'm totally against it? Its hogwash. I wear a mask, but I'm also not trying to pretend its doing more than it actually is.
  6. Hong Kong is not a reliable source of data. Back when they had hundreds if not thousands of cases they were reporting 3.
  7. Great, let's open everything up immediately and go back to life as normal...but wearing masks. Clearly its like wearing a hazmat suit.
  8. Let's shut down the grocery stores and find out. Anyone who is still going out to get things is part of the problem. So unless you've hunkered down in your bunker full of supplies and don't go anywhere, its time to step down from your high horse. In some alternate universe where we declare the grocery stores ground zero...no I don't think increasing the number of people wearing a mask in the grocery store is going to make a significant difference in the number of cases. I think a mask, which lets be honest is more of just a casual face covering for most, is a "well its better than nothing" thing to do. People have put way, way too much stock in face coverings. We should still do it as a symbol and a courtesy, but let's stop pretending its something that its not.
  9. They got it from the grocery store, or the curbside takeout, or the Amazon delivery.
  10. Its embarrassing seeing people talk about masks like they are right now. People are frickin dumb and grab the lowest hanging fruit they can find.
  11. CNN had several segments early on dedicated to how New York was preparing for the rush of COVID patients. It wasn't just people "being hesitant to go to the doctor." People were literally trying to go to the hospital and were being turned away if it didn't seem like COVID. Some needed beds, but the hospital didn't want to "waste" beds for regular patients, so some people were sent home to be in their own bed and were given transmitters that were connected to the hospital with a button to press if they got in distress. You can't simply do a body count in New York and have it be accurate. Not when they were doing stuff like that.
  12. It's a good idea, but it's not apples to apples. Go back and look at how New York was turning away people who went tot he hospital, and how the shutdown of other types of access to medicine has led to deaths not directly COVID.
  13. There was a "spike" reported in Georgia the day they reopened back up. After seeing that, I'm not sure what to believe.
  14. I haven't taken the test, I just heard it really sucks. Jalen Rose was talking about getting back to basketball, and how some people have suggested testing each of the players over and over again. He said after speaking with his buddies that had gotten tested, there was no way they were going to want to get tested repeatedly.
  15. In today's climate, the moment people see they can use something for politics...they jump on it. What sucks about it is the fact that once something becomes political, people choose sides and stop using reason and logic.
  16. In a general sense there is a meaningful difference between Charlotte proper and Charlotte "area." When my company decided to start a Charlotte office, not a single person that was transferred chose to live in Charlotte proper. Everybody bought around the edges. Hell, even the "Charlotte office" ended up in Fort Mill. LOL That being said, people from certain areas of the country are getting a bargain in Charlotte compared to where they are from. I live in Virginia Beach which comes at a premium price but a co-worker upgraded her home for cheaper when she moved here from San Diego.
  17. Its like I've said. The longer this thing goes on, the less compliance you are going to get out of people. The less concrete and realistic the goals of getting back to normal, the less compliance you are going to get out of people. You can fight it all you want, but that's reality.
  18. Some are going out kicking and screaming with this thing.
  19. My dad was terrible about spending money and never saved like he should have. He was always stretched thin, and whenever he wanted something or got into trouble he just worked a bunch of overtime to make up for it. I am a salaried employee and I'm not union (he was), so I have had to learn on my own how to approach money. On another note, I wouldn't judge a company's cash flow based on complaining and layoffs. Those are both business moves independent of financial position. Just being a normal person taking care of your bills should have you in the 700s. People with low credit scores have more than just a few late payments. If I were to give a typical snapshot of a low credit person, they have maxed out credit cards and have some bills they have completely stopped paying on. As was said, some people are in that position because they suck at life but others have had unexpected life circumstances that led them to that place.
  20. I've told this story before but I will retell it in cliff notes version: - VP of the company built a house on the lake for just over $300k, which was less than other people could have built it for because he's in construction and called in lots of favors - He had the house sold at the TOP of the housing bubble for $900k - Turns out he was the victim of one of those title stealing scams, and by the time they got the situation cleared up the housing market had crashed and the buyer was able to pull out of the deal - He ended up selling the house close to what he built it for, which would have been a substantial loss for most people
  21. That is absolutely not correct.
  22. Thread is back open! Back to the doctor jokes... "I'm a Gastroenterologist, I specialize in the digestive system. I think this whole thing is a bunch of poo."
  23. There is definitely some truth to that.
  24. "I'm a gynecologist, and you guys are acting like a bunch of..."
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