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Everything posted by GOAT

  1. I gotta go take a poo and go to the mall, I'll be back in a little bit and try my best to get to everyone's comments.
  2. nice grammar bro. I'm sure your friends and family will love you to show them your internet fan forum arguments. slap on another re-run of Andy's season on the office while your at it. Make it your personality. You're killing it brother.
  3. I really hope you're standing outside of concession stands at every pre-season game, mocking and judging people for grabbing a beer during halftime so they can enjoy watching the game a little bit more. keep fighting the good fight brother.
  4. I'm sorry, what personal troubles did I share? my personal troubles with this horribly ran franchise? you're trying to go Dr. Phil on some dude talking about how shitty our coaches and social media team are. you use some really classic gaslighting argument tactics that I'm sure you've used on actual people IRL.
  5. holy mother of god these comments about drinking during the game are insane. I had no idea this place was so dry. I thought I was lame for only drinking on a friday after work during a football game, but little did I know I was a full fledge alcoholic drowning my sorrows in the bottle.
  6. why are you commenting on someones personal life and problems that you don't know at all because they ranted about a shitty football team on a fan forum?
  7. prob should remove the beer reaction. God knows it is unholy to crack a few beers open ona friday after work while watching a game. "fug this guys making some solid points regarding this wack ass franchise, quick! tell him he has a drinking problem!"
  8. I didn't think the focus would be on another grown ass man drinking beers on a friday after work during a football game. I didn't know this was AA. BOA should prob stop selling alcohol. Alert the Roaring Riot too. Bunch of fugging drunks I say.
  9. so how many marathons are you okay with running and taking last place before you go, hmm, maybe I fugging suck at this and should be better? 28? 29?
  10. come here Office super fan, I've experienced more in my life that you probably ever will in yours. keep trying to attack me, I'm busy attacking this wack ass franchise.
  11. holy cow, who would've thought the focus would be on a grown man drinking beer on a friday during a football game. good to know we're only focusing on that rather than this shitty ass franchise.
  12. I love how I mentioned how I rarely drink and that the game was so bad, that I, a grown ass man, drank some beers on a friday after work while watching the game. And that has been the focus of 90% of the comments / insults here lmfao.
  13. you kinda just walked through this and attempted to insult, say the opposite of everything I said, and deny the facts, all while trying to seem like a super chill cool guy. not worth arguing with a dude that reminds me of my ex. next
  14. so when this same poo happens for the 28th season in a row during the regular season, is this rant valid?
  15. I rarely drink, and I drank on a friday while watching my second football game of the season after a long ass day at work. sue me with your straight edge ass.
  16. we know you're super mature bud, like super mature. that's great. when does the marathon end? how long has this marathon been going for exactly?
  17. Let me guess, you also settle for mediocracy in ever other facet of your life too?
  18. the personal attacks on me vs attacking this shitty franchise, coaches, players, etc says a lot about you.
  19. stop categorizing the season. "ITS JUST PREASEASON" "IT'S JUST WEEK ONE" "IT'S ONLY WEEK 2" "IT'S ONLY WEEK 3" "IT'S ONLY OUR 28TH SEASON" be better.
  20. huddlers after pooing a post that they simply cannot come up with a good response for.
  21. you're insulting the wrong person brother. focus on the shitty franchise you root for. you lay in bed at night and toss in turn about your life decisions and where you're at, and nobody is insulting you. we're all on a fan forum, focus on the the thing we're a fan of, and where they're at, and where they're been. not me compadre.
  22. if I had a dollar for every time I've heard "the Lions went 4-0 in preseason the year they went 0-16!" followed by a losing season, I would probably have a similar salary as most of these fugging losers that get to dick around on the field and call it football.
  23. you were saying you weren't going to root for this team or post on this forum anymore last year. remember? why are you still here? can't get away? you're just like me. stop making excuses, you obviously didn't read the post. stop saying it's just preseason. you're not getting it, you never will, rinse, repeat, suffer.
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