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Everything posted by Chimera

  1. Does your gym have trap/diamond bars for deadlifting? Just that slight change in hand placement helped with my grip.
  2. I haven't used my tire chains in so long I've forgotten how to put them on.
  3. not sure if they all meat your nutritional guidelines, but some lean meats are grilled turkey burgers grilled lox/salmon broiled top sirloin center cut pork loin (someone told me this is great with crushed raspberries; haven't tried it yet) or substitute some leafy vegetables (asparagus is great) a few days a week
  4. Yet you act like January 2011 never happened. Yell, you snowstorm folk in the rotten apple sure know how to handle the snow.
  5. 3 mile run and light round robin of light weights (kettlebell stuff: swings, deadlifts, Bulgarian squats, ring push-ups) Wife made a nopal smoothie. Supposed to have good results for your lower GI tract.
  6. From what I read on reddit, the forecast was for accumulation and ice in the suburbs south of Atlanta. That's where the equipment was. The storm actually hitting downtown the way it hit was apparently a surprise. The forecast called for insignificant flurries. Once Atlanta, a commuter city, was evacuated there were basically 3-5 million people leaving at once. The snow plows could not get to the areas they were needed the most. Atlanta is in the foothills - it's actually the highest major city east of the Mississippi. Hills and black ice do not mix. Total disaster.
  7. who got half an inch of snow? But lets use Brooklyn Bully's stupid ass logic for a second here: I've lived through no fewer than seven Hurricanes. BB's area experienced two in the past several years. Both times, the area couldn't handle the flooding and aftermath. My area did, nanner nanner boo boo. it makes as much sense as his dumb ass one liners. Then he finds it funny that road conditions cause school cancellations. Dude brags about not having a vehicle. Again, pretending to be superior about something that doesn't pertain to him. He sure is an attention ***** for someone so superior.
  8. Coming from a guy living where they can't handle a hurricane.
  9. I had no problem getting home from a late shift last night or going to work this morning. Only the right two lanes on 277, 77 and 85 were plowed at the time. I had to drive the unplowed lanes to pass everyone last night ;-) Today the roads were mostly deserted. I got to work about 45 minutes earlier than usual.
  10. if you've already started losing from the gut, you've already passed the hardest part. the easy part now is maintaining so you can continue losing. Lower belly fat is always the last to go and the first place to gain it back. You don't necessarily have to limit fat intake... just certain types. there is a difference between dietary fat and body fat. here's a link to some basic information http://www.mayoclinic.org/fat/art-20045550 I did insanity back in 2012 and your goals seem to align with its intended results. have you thought about using that program? If so, there are knockoffs available on amazon or ebay that do the same workout in a different order (for the sake of spending $200 vs. $40)
  11. absolutely this. In high school I used to bulk up for football and slim down for basketball and track. Now at times I have the mobility of a 90 year old. Recent science has shown foam rollers may be better long term than a good stretching regimen. I would still catch yoga a few times a month, though.
  12. that last paragraph... Same with me and the monster appetite. I don't know if it will work for you, but I've learned to counter that with frequent small meals. I rarely go more than two hours without eating. Even if it's just a banana or an orange, I eat pretty small portions throughout the day. However, I do sometimes gorge on breakfast. Just avoid that later in the day.
  13. That skyrium was horrible. There's only been and fanboy fapping to hardware this thread.
  14. 30 and 40? We 30 somethings came of age during the transition from 2D to 3D and took advantage of a market with more than three consoles. It was like a new system coming out every week for a while. One would have to be in their mid 50s at least to have been the target audience of the pong era.
  15. Well nobody is surprised at your opinion since you apparently hate any media or entertainment created since the fall of the berlin wall. Bay's transformers sucked because the plots made no sense, not because people tried to make money off licensing.
  16. Well 20 somethings think Transformers started with Michael Bay and Megan Fox. What cute names do you have for them? PayTVCartoonFags?
  17. QTE didn't bother me in Shenmue, but in RE and Heavy Rain they were pretty bothersome
  18. I love Splinter Cell and Hitman games. Biggest gripe I have against MGS is the approximately 4,783,455 hours of cut scenes per game. Otherwise it's another favorite series of mine.
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