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Posts posted by Luciu5

  1. 7 hours ago, Wundrbread33 said:

    I know it’s early and it’s a 17 game season, but just let it play out. There are a lot of people running to Young’s defense, but save that poo. 

    Maybe because they watch the tape, see the hate, and feel the need to speak up to people less knowledgable in the subject matter. Or maybe they think calling a player a bust after two games is unwarranted so people are swinging too far the other way to counterbalance.

    There is definitely a disconnect between fans, the media, and experts regarding Bryce Young.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Varking said:

    We heard a lot of things during camp about Bryce being mobile, throwing off platform, using multiple arm angles and throwing guys open when they are covered. That hasn’t been the case to start the season. 

    I am not an expert, but I’m of the belief that maybe he is being over coached at the moment and given too much to think about instead of letting him play more freely. 

    I know soft defense and all, but you saw it on that last touchdown play monday night. Like, he played loose because it didn't matter and pulled out a touchdown in the chaos that was that play. We need more of that.

    • Pie 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Smithers said:

    That’s a little much.  Bryce has avoided the bone headed, head scratching decisions that Jimmy would make such as throwing into double coverage, throwing up prayers that have zero chance of being completed, taking huge sacks instead of throwing the ball away.  He’s played smart for the most part and remained calm.  If anything he needs to learn to push the envelope a little more, rather than waiting for someone to be wide open like college.  

    This is what the fan base wants him to do though. "He's holding the ball too long", which means - just throw it at somebody no matter how many defenders are in the area! This fan base isn't going to bitch if he throws a few ints per game he would just get the ball out quicker and be decisive.



    Do I need to /s?

  4. 18 minutes ago, SCP said:

    I feel it in my unwashed asshole. It’s a tingling sensation that is undeniable, and it’s not caused by the Ruby Tuesday induced diarrhea that I suffer from

    Dude, is it kinda itchy, because that's a hemorrhoid you're describing.

  5. 20 minutes ago, L-TownCat said:

    This vaunted staff of “football guys” and “lifers” decided it was best to take the #1 overall draft pick, starting QB1 of a real football team, that makes millions of dollars, out of the game not ONCE, but TWICE to attempt a QB sneak?

    results: a false start and then YOU DIDNT EVEN RUN THE fuging SNEAK!!!

    I think they were both the same play. The false start f'd it up, so they ran it again later. Pretty sure it was a trick play. Pulled Bryce for the QB sneak, everybody in the stadium knows it's a sneak, but then it's not a sneak. Play doesn't work if you leave Bryce in. Andy Dalton was the sales pitch.

    • Pie 6
  6. 7 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    People want to believe in Fitts so badly but I'm just not seeing a whole lot to hang that hat on right now.

    That Greg Little trade though...

    In all seriousness, it's so hard to judge one way or the other because you just don't know which players Rhule said, "get this guy here no matter what." We just don't know. Prior to this offseason, it's just too muddy from our persepective.

  7. 1 hour ago, CRA said:

    Nothing really.  Because his draft picks are too young to judge.   Incomplete grade there.

    so really all you can do is judge his free agents and contracts.  And he hasn’t been good there.   

    Isn't Dan Morgan in charge of the pro scouting side of things? Fitt = draft. Morgan = FA?

  8. 4 hours ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Now that I've beat up JT for some of his worst work, if you want to see some of his best watch his week one breakdown of Howell.

    Now everyone knows I'm a Howell fanboy but this one came across really fair and unbiased and pointed out some good stuff - both good and bad - that's easy to miss just watching the game. He even caught himself a couple of times and admitted that some of his critique on certain plays was getting really nit picky.

    Kinda wished you used something other than a Howell video for this post, because I can't tell if it's praise for JT for this video due to your biases.

    (Not disagreeing about JT's biases though. He definitely gives guys more slack if he likes them.)

    • Beer 1
  9. 4 hours ago, kungfoodude said:

    Oh it was IMMEDIATELY obvious. Makes me wonder if he has trashed him in previous videos? Might check some Minnesota stuff from him to see.

    He has. In all videos this season, starting in preseason. He's done either 2 or 3 bryce young videos including preseason. Idk about Vikings last year. I pulled up one game and started watching it, but about 5 seconds in, I realized i didn't care enough to put the time into to research it.

  10. 1 hour ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    I like his breakdowns but he definitely carries a lot of bias. If it was a QB he already had a negative opinion about he would've skewered him for throwing late across the middle and just absolutely trashed him for making the same mistake twice in one game leading to INTs both times. Not to mention bashing him for missing Thielen wide open multiple times. That's still baffling to me. Thielen was getting wide open often, Bryce wasn't throwing him the ball, and JT bashes Thielen for this? Wild.

    It wasnt the same mistake twice though. Was it the same route? Yes. Was it basically the same position on the field? Yes. But completely, entirely different circumstances. Both were mistakes, but they weren't the same mistake twice, unless you just mean "threw an int" broadly.

  11. 1. JT hate, Hates, HATES Adam Thielen. Anyone know why?

    2. Seeing the all-22 from the 2nd interception makes it clear he wasn't staring down the receiver, if that wasn't obvious from the game film.

    3. TMJ sucks. Is he just lazy? Was that 2 deep routes where he was "overthrown" because he didn't go full speed on his entire route?

    • Pie 2
  12. 4 hours ago, Untouchable said:

    This looks like a bad read by Bryce. Sure looks like Cover 1 so TMJ is double teamed and not open. Staying on Mingo longer had a really good chance.

    I agree. I've watched enough JT to know this is middle field closed. TMJ's route should have never even been looked at. Better yet, pre-snap TMJ should have been checked out of that route. Not sure who's job that would have been.

    • Pie 1
  13. 6 hours ago, TheCasillas said:

    Shaq got a lot of flack for the 2nd Falcons TD , but this is no way his fault. He shoots the right gap and the play is all but shut down. It was a great job by Allgeir to stay on his feet and bounce to the outside. If we have to absolutely blame someone here, it would be Burns for not maintaining the outside. 

    It looks like Burns gave up the edge to go for the tackle, trying to play hero. Shaq had the gap, Burns didn't need to give up the edge. Straight up, he didn't do his job. Honestly, he reacted too quick and opened up the outside.

  14. 4 hours ago, Ricky Spanish said:

    I will say it's tough to say what read progression is on some that you mentioned were wide open, so there is a chance he didn't "Miss" them, they just were lower on the progression than the other throws., we don't know since we aren't in the meetings for the offense. 

    I noticed this quite a bit as well. That said when the play break down and there is a receiver down field with the mailbox flag up, gotta see those.

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