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Status Updates posted by DirtyMagic97

  1. Hope you got my PM. I'll be in Wilmington at some point before I leave. Hopefully I can golf by then.

  2. I can't be held responsible for my actions.

  3. I heard about that. I think Weis is a pretty good offensive minded guy. Muschamp may be assembling a good team.

  4. I keep watching it just hoping she will continue...

  5. I know what you mean. I get so frustrated with golf that I made myself play less frequently a few years ago and haven't really gotten back into it. I may force myself back on the course this summer.

  6. I think it is genuinely because Urban didn't want to come back this season, but got talked into it. I think he really wanted to be done after last year. I wish him the best, and hope he can be involved in recruiting down the road. We actually just hired Will Muschamp (Texas defensive coordinator) as head coach. He is a great recruiter, and solidified some of Urban's recruits already. That includes Jeff Driskel, the highest rated QB in this years recruiting class.

  7. I will be in Wilmington several times between now and the end of June. But I am moving in with my girlfriend for a few months before law school around June 25th. If I left her on weekends now she might get mad, but when I move down there I'll have plenty of free time.

  8. I will hunt you down and stab you in the eye with the blunt end of a butter knife!

  9. I would love to be there, but I'm going to New York. I just got accepted to law school at NY. So, I am going to tour it to make my final decision. I am so ready for the Masters this year.

  10. I'll certainly be there some Wednesdays. This is my last week of class, then the final is on Monday. I'll be driving to Wilmington next Wednesday morning. I'll let you know and we can get together.

  11. I'm doing quite well! How is everything on your end?

  12. I'm needing the $$ for law school. I'm having to use my dad's old Mizunos. I can still stroke, but I've lost A LOT of distance.

  13. I'm trying to get some down time. I move to Jacksonville in the morning, but I think I'll be back in Wilmington pretty soon. I'll definitely let you know.

  14. If/when I meet her, I will make sure to inform her to stay away from you! She is too pure for your nonsense.

  15. Indeed! Marina is adorable, and I love her music.

  16. It's Michele. My friend Wikipedia told me, so ha! I know where she was born...

  17. LOVE Marina! I'm stoked for her new album. I've heard 3 new songs off of it. I really like "Jealousy".

  18. Man, I've been dealing with some nonsense. Student loan problems, moving problems, and getting everything packed is killing me. I'm trying to get everything settled. It's been pretty rough.

  19. My family is from Florida too! So I have been a Gator since birth. I am actually waiting to hear back from the Law School there. I'd love to go there.

  20. My herpes diagnosis was not sufficient was it? That's too bad about your shoulder though. If I could get consistently shooting between 36-40 I'd be happy for now. I went to a swing coach who altered my swing quite a bit and it's really messing with me. I've been spending a lot of time at the range trying to get it committed to muscle memory. Good luck on your outing today!

  21. Nice, man! That's awesome. I'm hoping to shoot in the low 80's my first time back since i haven't played in 7 months! I'm going to the driving range this evening I believe.

  22. Nice, man. That's really good to hear. I will probably be down the week after next. This coming week is my last week of class and then the final. I'm done after that. I'll let you know when I'll be down there for certain.

  23. Nice! That is definitely a sick hat. Is it at their student store or elsewhere?

  24. No doubt. If I were able to play as much as I wanted I could probably take 2 strokes off my game in a few short weeks. You seem to be good enough to be able to do the same. Best of luck to you. I'll let you know whenever I come to Wilmington for some golf and perhaps we can pair up.

  25. No way! Reps for you! That's awesome. I thought I was the only one.

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