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Status Updates posted by DirtyMagic97

  1. Teh booz!!1! You crazy. That is all.

  2. Yea, I can imagine it has. I'm sure it will pick back up though, and I wish you good luck. And next time I'm in town I will definitely give you a shout.

  3. Thanks, man. That course you posted looked tremendous. My friend and I are going to make a trip down there during the school year to play.

  4. I'm doing quite well! How is everything on your end?

  5. Perhaps this weekend. I'm not 100% sure yet. I have to get my tonsils out at some point. Bleh.

  6. Excellent. Absolutely will do.

  7. Damn it! I have a presentation tomorrow until 4 and then I think I'm coming. I have to help the girlfriend move into her new apartment this weekend, so I'll be there until Sunday.

  8. I'll certainly be there some Wednesdays. This is my last week of class, then the final is on Monday. I'll be driving to Wilmington next Wednesday morning. I'll let you know and we can get together.

  9. Though we have definitely had our disagreements since I've been here, it's certainly good to talk to a true fan. Even when we don't agree, you are always knowledgeable and present your opinion in a respectful manor. It's good to have someone to talk college football with who actually understands and isn't absurdly biased. We're all a bit biased in favor of our teams ;)

  10. I would love to be there, but I'm going to New York. I just got accepted to law school at NY. So, I am going to tour it to make my final decision. I am so ready for the Masters this year.

  11. Nice, man! That's awesome. I'm hoping to shoot in the low 80's my first time back since i haven't played in 7 months! I'm going to the driving range this evening I believe.

  12. That's the opposite for me. My driver suffers when I don't play for a while. I have substantial distance with little to no accuracy. My short game has always been the best part of my game. And I figured you'd appreciate my comment in a sad way! It was pretty amazing. But naturally, she was bat poo crazy!

  13. LOVE Marina! I'm stoked for her new album. I've heard 3 new songs off of it. I really like "Jealousy".

  14. Yea, I have. That one is definitely my second favorite of the new ones. Followed by "Sex, Yeah!". I don't think she can write a bad song.

  15. No way. Wow, I wish I had known that. I want to see her.

  16. Haha not much of a Katy Perry fan. At all.

  17. I keep watching it just hoping she will continue...

  18. You can't have Ashley! She is mine!

  19. :lol: Lucky you! Did I ever tell you I had to sell my Cleveland Blades? :(
  20. If/when I meet her, I will make sure to inform her to stay away from you! She is too pure for your nonsense.

  21. I'm needing the $$ for law school. I'm having to use my dad's old Mizunos. I can still stroke, but I've lost A LOT of distance.

  22. The war has begun.

  23. :lol: That would definitely be awesome! I'm hoping it will pay off some day. But next time I'm in Wilmington around a Wednesday I will let you know and we can hit the links.
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