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Status Updates posted by DirtyMagic97

  1. No way. Wow, I wish I had known that. I want to see her.

  2. Not as much as I'd like to. I used to play for North Stone Country Club when I was a more youthful lad.

  3. Perhaps this weekend. I'm not 100% sure yet. I have to get my tonsils out at some point. Bleh.

  4. Played any golf lately? I played 9 holes consecutive days on the same course. 1st day I shot a 1-under 35. Next day I shot a 7-over 43. These blades are bring out my inconsistency. :lol:

  5. Sorry, just now getting back to you. New BtBAM sounds pretty absurd. I'm stoked on hearing their previously unreleased tracks on the "Best-of" album too.

  6. Still hasn't gotten better? That's good you are going. We definitely need to get up on some golf before it gets too cold.

  7. Teh booz!!1! You crazy. That is all.

  8. Tell me about it. Breaking a bone playing volleyball is embarrassing.

  9. Thanks for getting back to me. I went back to the golf shop and hit each club from each manufacturer back to back. The TaylorMade clubs seemed to be a bit more forgiving(larger sweet spot), but when I cut through with a perfect swing the Clevelands felt so much better, and it showed. This is a tough decision!

  10. Thanks, man. That course you posted looked tremendous. My friend and I are going to make a trip down there during the school year to play.

  11. That sounds like a plan to me. I won't be there for a weekend until the beginning of May, but I will certainly let you know. And that's really excellent about getting back out and playing! I'm excited to start again too. I hope I can find some time soon.

  12. That's the opposite for me. My driver suffers when I don't play for a while. I have substantial distance with little to no accuracy. My short game has always been the best part of my game. And I figured you'd appreciate my comment in a sad way! It was pretty amazing. But naturally, she was bat poo crazy!

  13. The war has begun.

  14. Though we have definitely had our disagreements since I've been here, it's certainly good to talk to a true fan. Even when we don't agree, you are always knowledgeable and present your opinion in a respectful manor. It's good to have someone to talk college football with who actually understands and isn't absurdly biased. We're all a bit biased in favor of our teams ;)

  15. Very cool! Well I tried to give you rep but I must "spread some rep around" first. Darn it.

  16. Well, you are a Gators fan. Hmmm.

  17. Word travels quickly! Haha, yea she goes to UNCW. I've known her for almost 6 years. Since high school. So, now I'm in Wilmington often!

  18. Yea, at this point you have to do something about it. I hate doctors too, but sometimes there isn't another option. Also, Salty is trying to steal my vote.

  19. Yea, I can imagine it has. I'm sure it will pick back up though, and I wish you good luck. And next time I'm in town I will definitely give you a shout.

  20. Yea, I have. That one is definitely my second favorite of the new ones. Followed by "Sex, Yeah!". I don't think she can write a bad song.

  21. Yea, let me know. I really like that.

  22. Yea, she is definitely tremendously talented. I love her acoustic versions of her songs as well.

  23. Yea, those seats are what interested her. That's why I made a reservation there and asked for the balcony seats. I appreciate the help. I hope it's good.

  24. Yea, well I know she listens to terrible music.

  25. Yea, when the spread works it's amazing to watch. When it's like it was this year, it makes me want to kill people. You have to have exactly the right personnel to run a spread. Pro-style is a bit more forgiving.

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