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Status Updates posted by DirtyMagic97

  1. It's Michele. My friend Wikipedia told me, so ha! I know where she was born...

  2. Good. Lord. Thank you, sir. Made my day!

  3. Yea, well I know she listens to terrible music.

  4. Hey, man. Have you heard about these shootings in Wilmington? Crazy stuff.

  5. http://www.flickr.com/photos/14336604@N04/sets/72157603976568348/ That's a gallery of the girl in my avatar. I want the picture in the 2nd row, 3rd over as my avatar, but I can't get the picture off there. She's bangin' though!
  6. Played any golf lately? I played 9 holes consecutive days on the same course. 1st day I shot a 1-under 35. Next day I shot a 7-over 43. These blades are bring out my inconsistency. :lol:

  7. He got to me first. If no one had contacted me, I would have voted for you. There's still the final vote though.

  8. My herpes diagnosis was not sufficient was it? That's too bad about your shoulder though. If I could get consistently shooting between 36-40 I'd be happy for now. I went to a swing coach who altered my swing quite a bit and it's really messing with me. I've been spending a lot of time at the range trying to get it committed to muscle memory. Good luck on your outing today!

  9. No doubt. If I were able to play as much as I wanted I could probably take 2 strokes off my game in a few short weeks. You seem to be good enough to be able to do the same. Best of luck to you. I'll let you know whenever I come to Wilmington for some golf and perhaps we can pair up.

  10. Bad news...broke my hand playing volleyball yesterday. Now I'll be out of golf for 4-6 weeks.

  11. Tell me about it. Breaking a bone playing volleyball is embarrassing.

  12. Still hasn't gotten better? That's good you are going. We definitely need to get up on some golf before it gets too cold.

  13. Well, you are a Gators fan. Hmmm.

  14. Yea, at this point you have to do something about it. I hate doctors too, but sometimes there isn't another option. Also, Salty is trying to steal my vote.

  15. Ashley Greene is amazing! She is from Jacksonville, hopefully I'll meet her when I move down there. ;)

  16. Are you familiar with TaylorMade irons? I've narrowed my search down to Cleveland Irons and TaylorMade Irons. I had a friend say that TaylorMade weren't very solid, but he's kind of just negative haha.

  17. I will hunt you down and stab you in the eye with the blunt end of a butter knife!

  18. Hey, man. Are you in a band? If so let me know what you are called, I'd like to give it a listen.

  19. Thanks for getting back to me. I went back to the golf shop and hit each club from each manufacturer back to back. The TaylorMade clubs seemed to be a bit more forgiving(larger sweet spot), but when I cut through with a perfect swing the Clevelands felt so much better, and it showed. This is a tough decision!

  20. I heard about that. I think Weis is a pretty good offensive minded guy. Muschamp may be assembling a good team.

  21. Absolutely. I got my last set fitted, and I won't do it any other way. Most don't think it makes that much of a difference, but I saw a tremendous increase in consistency when I had them fitted. I definitely recommend it.

  22. Indeed! Marina is adorable, and I love her music.

  23. I will be in Wilmington several times between now and the end of June. But I am moving in with my girlfriend for a few months before law school around June 25th. If I left her on weekends now she might get mad, but when I move down there I'll have plenty of free time.

  24. Yea, she is definitely tremendously talented. I love her acoustic versions of her songs as well.

  25. Have you ever eaten at Riverboat Landing in downtown Wilmington? I made a reservation there for my girlfriend's birthday and I was just seeing what you thought of it.

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