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  1. I basically dated my wife at Huddle tailgates, and we just celebrated 14 years of marriage with 2 kids. So, quite a bit.
  2. Had to stop by and give proper Huddle condolences to Robinka. She was an awesome person and good friend. She and my wife would argue on FB all the time and then agree to disagree and still be good friends. She was a daily part of our lives and we still can't believe she is gone. RIP Cosmo
  3. The Panthers and more specifically the Huddle are a big part of how I ended up with my lovely wife. We're raising our 2 kids to be die hard Panther fans and it would make our year to be at this game. I could bust out some Huddle history and further make a case but if it's truly random it won't matter. Except for my wife being a Huddle kitten, I was there for MPF's bewb flash, and for crying out loud Jeremy you're responsible for my wife and MPF making out not once, but twice at the same tailgate. Please?
  4. Jason Trusnik, supposedly a special teams ace a la Karl Hankton, but I've heard very little about him and he's not on any of the roster projections I see
  5. I'm experiencing the exact same issue. I saw a friend last week that I hadn't seen in 2 months and he thought I'd lost another 20 pounds and I'm like nope, gained 5.
  6. About time to take this thread back, it's about support not douchey know-it-all bragging. Anyhow, I'm going towards a more run based workout. Been working on my mile time and stamina. Still lifting too. I'm stuck as far as weight loss goes, but I'm slimmer and stronger so I'll take it. How's everyone else doing?
  7. There's no mistaking that cadence. Only a parent who has been forced to read that awful book would talk/type like that.
  8. Well he's definitely a high motor guy, and his football speed is much better than his 40 time.
  9. Grats Jeremy! Pretty cool stuff. No matter how famous you get, to me you'll always be the guy who got my future wife to make out with MPF at a tailgate.
  10. Ran a mile in 6:43, fastest I've ever run a mile in my life. Pretty cool
  11. Been a while since I updated but there's not much to report. My weight loss is pretty much over. Stuck at 94lbs lost. Wanted to hit 100 but gains from lifting are preventing that from happening. Started back squats again and upped my curl, triceps press, ab, and shoulder press weight.
  12. I assume those of you claiming this is a lot of money have the contract terms and are 100% sure the 3mil is guaranteed. Cuz there's no chance a 34 year old corner, coming off two bicep tears in a row, would have any sort of incentives built into the deal.
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